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Comprehensive news: show the major strategic achievements of anti epidemic and demonstrate China's determination to open up to the outside world - many people "praise" the 2020 China International Trade in Services Fair

Time of publication: 2021-09-22 22:09:00 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 9 - The 2020 China International Trade in Services Fair with the theme of "global service, mutual benefit and sharing" ended successfully on September 9. Many people believe that the successful holding of the World Trade Fair for Services shows that China has made significant strategic achievements in its fight against the epidemic, and that China is practicing the concept of open and inclusive cooperation with practical actions, working with all parties to promote the development and prosperity of global trade in services, and promoting the recovery of the world economy as soon as possible.

Guo Jie, chief professor of finance at Durham University and executive dean of the China Development Research Institute, said that China has effectively controlled the epidemic and the economy has been recovering. The China International Trade and Services Fair reflects the strong power and vitality of China's economic development, will promote the high-quality development of China's service industry, and is conducive to accelerating the formation of a large domestic cycle The new development pattern of domestic and international double circulation and mutual promotion will also help the global economy find a way out of the crisis and move towards recovery from the downturn.

Li Yuan, professor of the Institute of East Asian Studies at Duisburg Essen University in Germany, believes that the successful holding of the World Trade Fair sends a clear message to the world that China's economy will continue to recover and is willing to work with other countries to promote the recovery of the world economy as soon as possible. China has taken practical actions to promote mutual benefit and win-win results, so that all countries can feel China's responsibility as a major power.

Costantinos, the former senior adviser of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union, said that after the domestic epidemic had been effectively controlled, China had promoted the recovery of the world economy by holding the Trade in Services Conference, which once again showed that China was not only an active promoter of global multilateralism, but also a more reasonable new global political and economic order An important contributor to the new pattern of equitable development. China is taking practical actions to promote the development of global governance in a more equitable direction.

Alvaro Echeveria, Vice President of the Chilean Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce, said that China invited enterprises from all over the world to participate in the Fair, to jointly create and find new opportunities, and to propose new solutions for a more connected world. China is working with partners from all over the world to create new business and service models. The successful holding of CIFIT will play a very positive role in the recovery of the world economy.

Hu Yishan, chief consultant of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center, believes that the hosting of the Fair will help countries to carry out more in-depth exchanges on cooperation in the field of services. In the context of the global epidemic, we can focus more on service trade in maintaining and promoting free trade. China has played a positive role in this regard by holding the Service Trade Fair, and he expects China to play a greater role in promoting the liberalization of service trade.

Alexei Maslov, acting director of the Far East Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that the global trade structure has undergone major changes under the epidemic, and the development of trade in services is one of the most efficient areas. At present, China attaches great importance to promoting the development of service trade, and China has great potential in this field.

The Mozambican ambassador to China Gustava said that China held a service trade fair after the epidemic was effectively controlled, which sent a positive signal of victory over the epidemic, and also showed that there are still many ways to promote investment and service exchanges between countries under the epidemic.

Yu Hong, a senior researcher at the Institute of East Asian Studies of the National University of Singapore, said that in the face of the risks and challenges posed by the COVID-19 epidemic, China has taken strong measures to show its determination to expand opening up by holding a service trade fair. In the context of the impact of the epidemic on the global economy, CIFIT will not only help China optimize its trade structure and promote the development of the service industry, but also help stabilize global service trade.

Liang Guoyong, a senior economic affairs official of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, said that under the background of the adverse current of economic globalization and the rise of protectionism and unilateralism, China has unswervingly expanded its opening up, will establish and improve the management system of the negative list of cross-border service trade, and promote the construction of an open platform for innovative development of service trade, It is very important to continue to relax market access for the service industry in the context of the epidemic and the downturn of the world economy.

The vice chairman of the Myanmar Federation of Industry and Commerce, Mei Meilei, said that China's economy is recovering, which shows other countries the hope of economic recovery. During the epidemic, online service industries in various countries have developed to varying degrees, and people need to work together to further integrate existing technologies. The deep integration of Chinese industries, including online payment technology, has inspired other countries.

Jamal Bayoumi, chairman of the League of Arab Investors, said that China, as the world's second largest economy, has always played a very important role in promoting global economic development. In the tide of global economic recession, countries around the world should promote trade exchanges and economic vitality recovery through various ways. China is doing such things now.

Li Tianrong, a columnist of the Philippine Star, said that under the circumstances of increasing global uncertainties and economic downturn, trade in services will increase hope for the recovery of the world economy and play a role in promoting it. Despite the current rise of protectionism and unilateralism, the CIFIT once again proves that China will continue to be committed to promoting globalization and international economic cooperation. (Participating journalists: Wang Huihui, Zhu Sheng, Wang Shoubao, Yin Nan, Zhang Xiaoran, Lin Hao, Li Ao, Wang Lili, Ling Xin, Zhang Dongqiang, Che Hongliang, Wu Danni, Yang Ke, Yuan Mengchen, Chen Shilei)

Editor in charge: Bai Kejia