Orange warning, School of Public Health, Fudan University, duration Abdominal obesity, Head of Endocrinology Department, Beijing Geriatric Hospital Beijing stroke emergency map, Beijing stroke center map, reducing disability, hospital list Allergic symptoms, urticaria belongs to allergic constitution, paroxysmal sneezing, allergic food Effect of sodium alginate, anticoagulation and blood lipid reduction, spray hemostatic agent, can sodium alginate be boiled to 100 degrees Health status of Sichuan population, report of key diseases, life expectancy per capita, maternal mortality First affiliated, hospital infection, Nipah virus Global Times, power supply, weather forecast Carotene, Carotenoids, Lycopene

World information: How many days will it be hot after the beginning of autumn? High temperature orange warning has been issued in many places, and the temperature in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan and Chongqing can reach 40 ℃

2022-08-11 20:25:45 Source: Life Times Collection

(Related data drawing)

Interviewee: Professor Kan Haidong, School of Public Health, Fudan University

Global Times Health Client Reporter Tian Yuting

In the beginning of autumn on August 7, the temperature in the north has decreased, but the daytime temperature in many places is still above 30 ℃, while the south continues to have high temperature weather. On August 10, Typhoon Mulan landed on the coast of South China. In addition to bringing heavy rain, the subtropical high will also continue to affect the high temperature or record breaking in Sichuan Basin, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Chongqing, Hangzhou and other places in the next 10 days.

At 18:00 on August 11, the Central Meteorological Station continued to issue a high temperature orange warning: it is expected that 15 provinces and regions, including the eastern part of Xinjiang Nanjiang Basin, the western part of Inner Mongolia, and the central and southern part of Shaanxi, will experience a high temperature of 35~39 ℃ during the day of August 12, and some regions will reach 40 ℃ or above. Henan Meteorological Station issued an orange high temperature warning at 8:00 on the 11th. It is expected that the highest temperature in most parts of the south of the Yellow River will rise to above 37 ℃ from the 11th to the 12th. According to the monitoring data of Hubei Provincial Meteorological Bureau, 57 counties and cities had high temperatures of over 37 ℃ and 3 counties and cities had high temperatures of over 40 ℃ on the 10th. It is expected that most areas of Hubei will continue to have sunny, hot and high temperatures in the next three days. At 11:40 on the 11th, Shanghai Central Meteorological Station updated the orange warning signal of high temperature to the red warning signal of high temperature: affected by the subtropical high, the maximum temperature in some areas will reach 40~41 ℃. The meteorological stations of Suzhou, Zhenjiang and Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province all issued red warning signals for high temperature, reminding citizens that the maximum temperature will reach 40 ℃ or above on the 11th.

According to the data released by Nanjing Emergency Center, 20 people in Nanjing have suffered heatstroke every day since August. Why are "autumn tigers" so fierce? According to the data of China Weather Network, at the turn of August and September after the beginning of autumn every year, there will be short-term regenerative weather in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangnan, South China and other places, and the duration is generally about 7-15 days. From the perspective of meteorology, the beginning of autumn on the solar term does not mean the beginning of autumn. According to folk parlance, the time of the beginning of autumn is in the June of the lunar calendar, which is "early beginning of autumn"; The beginning of autumn is in July of the lunar calendar, which is called "Late Beginning of Autumn". As the saying goes, "The early autumn is chilly, and the late autumn is hot." The beginning of autumn this year is the seventh day of July, which belongs to the late autumn.

Some meteorological experts pointed out that the intensity and duration of this year's high temperature have certain extremes. Kan Haidong, professor of the School of Public Health of Fudan University, said, "Extreme high temperature events have occurred frequently in recent years, bringing many health risks to residents everywhere. Outdoor workers, front-line medical and epidemic prevention workers or volunteers, traffic police, the elderly and other key groups, as well as the elderly, living alone, sick, difficult to live and other key groups in the community, in particular, should pay timely attention to the high temperature warning issued by the meteorological department. " To avoid heatstroke or heat stroke, the following points should be done in daily life to effectively prevent high temperatures.

Drink more water to prevent dehydration. The daily drinking volume of adults should reach 1500~1700ml. Avoid unnecessary travel and outdoor activities as much as possible. Take good precautions when traveling. Avoid noon time. The elderly, the weak, the sick and the young should pay special attention to taking heatstroke prevention measures. Watch out for heatstroke symptoms. In case of dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, palpitations, fatigue, headache, thirst, sweating, etc., heatstroke should be considered, and cooling treatment should be carried out immediately. If the situation is serious, seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Editor in charge: Liu Yunxuan

Chief Editor: Zhang Tong

key word: Orange warning Fudan School of Public Health Duration

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