Drink cold water to grow meat, function of spleen and stomach, strong stomach and weak spleen, digestion and absorption function Drink too much water at one time, drink more hot water, urine color, water supplement Diabetic patients, diabetes medication, individualized drug selection, drug side effects Learning life Vaccination National Day of Prevention and Treatment of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, Self iodine Status, Scientific Iodine Supplement, Iodine Deficiency Disorders system optimization Medical institution charges, medical institution services, special inspection, rectification effect evaluation

Drink cold water and grow meat? It's the function of spleen and stomach

Obesity has become a serious threat to human health, one of the diseases, weight loss, weight loss has become a hot topic today. When people chat, they often hear the saying, "Drink cold water and grow meat." What's the situation?

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, this is actually a problem with the function of the spleen and stomach, which occurs in people with strong stomach and weak spleen.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are in charge of the digestion and absorption function of the human body. In the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, the spleen and stomach are figuratively compared to the officials who manage the granary. "The spleen and stomach are the officials of the granary, and the five tastes come out of it." That is to say, the food, water, grains, and refined nutrients need to be stored, transformed, and transported in the spleen and stomach, and finally spread to all organs of the body, vividly reflecting the "spleen is responsible for transportation and transformation" of traditional Chinese medicine The function of "the stomach dominates the rotten water and grain".

"Strong stomach and weak spleen" is a condition of uncoordinated spleen and stomach functions. The strong stomach mainly refers to the good digestive function of the stomach, which causes hunger, strong appetite, craving to eat, craving to eat more, constipation and other symptoms. Spleen weakness mainly refers to the poor transport function of the spleen, which leads to the inability to digest and absorb the food eaten normally, and stomach discomfort, indigestion, fullness, and burping after meals. At this time, the phenomenon of "eating cold water will lead to meat growth" will appear, which is prone to obesity and "phlegm dampness", thus inducing other diseases.

Therefore, when the phenomenon of "drinking cold water will lead to meat" occurs, it is not because your "spleen and stomach are good and you can eat", on the contrary, it means that you are sick. In the case of "drinking cold water will lead to meat growth", excessive dieting and exercise may not be effective. It is necessary to coordinate with traditional Chinese medicine to regulate and change the physical condition. When the physical condition changes, weight loss will be more effective.

key word: Drink cold water and grow meat Spleen stomach function Strong stomach and weak spleen Digestion and absorption function

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