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How to replenish protein powder scientifically when more and more people are "masturbating"?

With social networking flat With the development of Taiwan and the increasing popularity of fitness, more and more people are "rolling iron". Many people have such a question: Do I want to drink protein powder? Today, let's learn about protein powder and whether you need to supplement it? How to make it more scientific?

1. What is protein powder?

Protein powder is generally a powder composed of purified soybean protein, casein, whey protein or a combination of the above proteins, which is used to supplement protein for individuals lacking protein.

What are the main benefits of protein to human body?

(1) Musculature increaser

It is the most important function of protein, which can help the muscle synthesis and help the recovery and improvement of muscle strength after fitness.

(2) Maintain normal metabolism

Proteins will undergo a series of physiological and biochemical reactions in the body, allowing our body to "rotate" normally.

(3) Provide energy

Protein can provide energy for our body when necessary. When we run the marathon to the last few kilometers, the use of the main energy supply substance (sugar) in the body is almost exhausted, and protein will participate in the energy supply in the body (this is very important), which is conducive to improving the race results.

Some people, because of their excessive demand for protein, can not keep up with their consumption rate and rate of supplement and utilization from food, which has led to the birth of protein powder, a health product. It was first used by patients and athletes to supplement protein to enhance physical strength. Because it has the function of muscle enhancement, fitness enthusiasts also began to eat it.

2. Who is suitable for eating protein powder?

Patients lack or lose protein due to diet or drugs, while athletes consume too much protein due to high training intensity. They can't get enough protein from food, so they need extra protein powder to strengthen their strength. For ordinary people, normal eating will not lead to protein deficiency. So as long as the food can keep up, you don't need to drink extra protein powder.

Recommended daily food: moderate staple food (male nature 6 liang or more, female nature 5 liang or more, raw weight), 1~2 bags of fresh milk (250~500 ml) or equivalent amount of yogurt or soy milk, 1 egg, 3 liang lean meat, 2~3 liang bean products, etc., are enough to meet the daily protein needs of a healthy individual.

Side effects of protein powder:

(1) Hormone secretion disorder

Relevant studies have proved that protein powder may lead to hormone secretion disorder, which is commonly referred to as "getting angry", and the reason may be related to the digestion and metabolism of the body. If you find that drinking protein powder will cause your body to "catch fire", immediately reduce or stop. If you often get angry because of drinking protein powder, it proves that protein powder is not suitable for you. It is recommended to supplement the protein your body needs by changing your diet.

(2) Albuminuria

Proteinuria is an obvious manifestation of excessive protein powder supplementation. The observation method is: there are many bubbles in the urine. If it appears after eating protein powder, it should be stopped immediately. If it is caused by eating a lot of seafood, it may be caused by seafood.

Who is not suitable for:

(1) Children and adolescents

Some parents think that protein powder is a good thing, and eating more can help children grow taller and more intelligent. However, the height and intellectual development of children are affected by many factors. Protein powder cannot replace other nutrients. If you eat a lot, it may cause an invisible and serious burden on the baby's tender kidney and liver. Unless it is during the period of heavy exercise, or because of picky food or vegetarian diet, it is impossible to get enough protein from the diet. However, nutritionists suggest that children should focus on natural diet to establish a good diet Xi Habit is more important.

(2) People who do not "masturbate"

If your diet is normal, and you are not an overexerted or "muscle training enthusiast", it is not recommended to supplement protein powder. It is suggested that fitness crowd consult doctors and professional coaches to assess factors such as exercise intensity, weight and physical health, and supplement protein in a reasonable amount.

(3) Disabled people

Allergies to protein powder ingredients; Patients whose gastrointestinal function is not allowed, whose gastrointestinal function is failing, and who are fasting; emergency nature Pancreatitis patients; Patients with renal insufficiency; Liver cirrhosis, liver nature Patients with encephalopathy; Patients with high intestinal fistula; Severe trauma, burn, infection, etc nature Patients in decomposition period.

3. What are the types of protein powder?

Classification according to protein type:

The common protein powder on the market is generally divided into the following three types: soybean protein, casein and whey protein. The former is extracted from soybeans, and the latter two are extracted from milk.

An experimental study on the effect of protein powder supplementation on muscle growth found that whey protein is better than soy protein in muscle growth, but if you only eat without exercise, there is basically no muscle growth effect. Only when you supplement protein powder and cooperate with physical activities such as strength training, can you achieve better muscle growth effect. For those allergic to whey protein, it is recommended to choose soy protein, which can also achieve the effect of muscle enhancement.

Classification according to specific use:

The protein powder we see on the market is mainly divided into two types: muscle strengthening powder and health product protein powder.

The main component of both products is protein powder. Sweeteners and essences are usually added to muscle strengthening powder, so it tastes good and smells sweet. You can drink it directly with warm water. However, the taste of the health product protein powder is worse. It is suggested to drink it with milk to improve the taste.

4. How should I eat protein powder?

(1) Supplement immediately after exercise

Amino acid water in blood after exercise flat And insulin water flat They are very low. In order to maintain positive nitrogen in the body flat To balance the muscle synthesis, it is necessary to supplement protein timely and effectively after training. It is suggested that a certain amount of carbohydrates should be ingested first. Carbohydrates can promote the release of insulin, and insulin also regulates protein synthesis. By increasing the release of insulin, the muscle decomposition rate will slow down, which can improve the efficiency of muscle synthesis.

(2) Supplement before sleep

During sleep, the human body will also carry out metabolism to provide adequate nutrients, which is conducive to the recovery of the body. In the daytime, too much exercise leads to too much protein decomposition in the body. Supplement it before going to bed at night is conducive to the synthesis and storage of protein in the body. It is recommended to take it together with milk before going to bed. Some nutrients in milk can help absorption and utilization of protein.

(3) Other time

At breakfast, before training and during the day, it will be supplemented by times.

key word: Iron workers Scientific supplement of protein powder Benefits of protein to human body Side effects of protein powder

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