Hefei official publicized the policy of "house recognition without loan recognition"

Notice on Optimizing the Recognition Standards of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans in Zhuhai

All relevant units:

In order to better meet the rigid and improving housing needs of residents, according to the Notice on Optimizing the Recognition Standards for the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans (JF [2023] No. 52) jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision, In accordance with the requirements of the Notice on Implementing the Recognition Standards for the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans Optimized by Three Departments of the State (WFB [2023] No. 17) issued by the Office of the Working Group for Promoting the Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry in Anhui Province, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

[Data Map]

When a resident family (including the borrower, spouse and minor children) applies for a loan to purchase a commercial housing, if a family member does not have a complete set of housing under the name of the city or county where the house is purchased, whether or not they have used the loan to purchase a housing, the banking financial institution shall implement the housing credit policy according to the first set of housing.

The number of complete housing units of family members in the local name shall be inquired by the municipal and county real estate registration departments according to the household application or authorization, and the inquiry results shall be issued.

This Notice shall come into force as of the date of issuance of the Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, on Optimizing the Recognition Standards for the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans (JF [2023] No. 52).

Hefei Real Estate Market Regulation Joint Conference Office

September 8, 2023

About Optimizing Personal Housing Loans in Our City

Interpretation of the policy of Notice on the Identification Standards of Housing Units

1、 Background

In order to support residents' rigid and improving housing demand, in accordance with the requirements of the Notice on Optimizing the Recognition Standards of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans (JF [2023] No. 52) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and in combination with the provincial Notice on Implementing the Recognition Standards of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans Optimized by Three National Departments (WFB [2023] No. 17) This notice is issued on the basis of our city's optimization of the identification criteria for the number of housing units in personal housing loans in April this year and the implementation of urban policies.

2、 Development process

The relevant departments of the joint meeting of the municipal real estate market regulation related to this policy carefully analyzed the current housing credit policy and its implementation in our city. Referring to the practices of relevant cities, the meeting proposed to implement the identification criteria for the number of housing units in the optimization of personal housing loans by the three national departments, which were printed and distributed in the name of the office of the joint meeting of the municipal real estate market regulation.

3、 Main contents

The main contents of the Notice include three parts:

First, it is clear that housing recognition and non loan recognition are included in the city's "one city, one policy" policy toolbox for implementation. When households (including borrowers, spouses and minor children) apply for loans to purchase commercial housing, family members do not have complete sets of housing under the name of the city or county where the house is purchased, regardless of whether they have used loans to purchase housing, Banking financial institutions implement housing credit policies according to the first housing.

The second is to clarify the inquiry of the number of housing units. The number of complete housing units of family members under the local name will be inquired by the municipal and county real estate registration departments according to the household application or authorization, and the inquiry results will be issued.

Consultation hotline of Municipal Real Estate Registration Center: 0551-62536008

Consultation hotline of Feidong County: 0551-67706862

Consultation hotline of Feixi County: 0551-68854776

Consulting hotline of Changfeng County: 0551-66699075 (north center)

0551-66699072 (north center)

0551-66699170 (South Center)

Consulting hotline of Lujiang County: 0551-87309509

Consultation hotline of Chaohu City: 0551-8233215382332429

Third, specify the date of policy implementation, and the notice shall be implemented from the date of issuance of the Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, the Financial Supervision and Administration on Optimizing the Recognition Standards for the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans (JF [2023] No. 52).

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