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What is indirect bilirubin? How much more indirect bilirubin is serious?

What is indirect bilirubin?

Bilirubin is the product of aging in the blood circulation, the decomposition and destruction of red blood cells in the mononuclear phagocytic system of liver, spleen and bone marrow. Red blood cells are destroyed, releasing hemoglobin, and eventually converted into bilirubin through metabolism.

Total bilirubin is divided into direct bilirubin and indirect bilirubin, and indirect bilirubin is also called unconjugated bilirubin. It is a complex formed by combining with albumin and cannot pass through various biological membranes, so it cannot be filtered from the kidney. If the total bilirubin is increased, indirect bilirubin is mainly increased, which is more common in patients with hemolytic anemia.

So, how much higher indirect bilirubin is serious?

Many reasons can lead to high indirect bilirubin, but the increase of its value cannot determine the specific disease, so it is difficult to say how serious the indirect bilirubin is. Whether it is serious is mainly related to the primary disease.

The normal value range of indirect bilirubin is 1.7~10.2 μ mol/L. If only the simple bilirubin slightly increases, it is generally not serious, and may be related to bad diet, work and rest habits, often without special treatment. In daily life, pay attention to abstinence, avoid eating high cholesterol diet, and work and rest regularly.

key word: Indirect bilirubin More or less serious indirect bilirubin hemoglobin Direct bilirubin

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