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What do the five zang organs refer to? List of Organ Regimens Corresponding to Twelve Hours

What do the five zang organs refer to?

The five zang organs and six fu organs are the general name of the human organs. The five zang organs refer to the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney. The six fu organs corresponding to them or in the exterior refer to the gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach, and bladder, as well as the special fu organs, called the triple energizer.

The corresponding organ health at 12 o'clock is as follows:

1. Haishi (9:00~11:00 p.m.) is the movement of the triple energizer meridians

The word "Hai" means life rebirth in classical Chinese, so if you want the human body to have a good starting point, you need to start from now on with good sleep quality. For the elderly, sleep quality may be difficult, but no matter what method is used, try to go to sleep at 11:30 p.m.

2. Midnight (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.), liver and gallbladder meridians run

This period of time is also the "Zijue" time emphasized in TCM health care. In the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, the saying that "all eleven viscera lie in the gallbladder" means that there are 11 internal organs in the human body that depend on the function of the liver and gallbladder meridian. Therefore, it is necessary to have sufficient high-quality sleep quality to protect the liver and gallbladder meridian and obtain sufficient kinetic energy.

3. Ugly hour (1:300 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.), which refers to the operation of liver meridians

The best way to protect the liver is to calm down and nourish the mind. It should be emphasized that some young people who drink at this time may cause great damage to the liver.

4. Yin hour (3:00~5:00 in the morning), the lung meridians run

According to the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Yin Shi is the beginning of body qi and blood, and also the beginning of body qi changing from static to dynamic. We must have high-quality sleep, most afraid of being disturbed by many people.

5. At the prime time (5~7 a.m.), the small intestine channels run

In the morning, I don't feel sleepy. In the morning, I first move the bones and muscles of my limbs, play Taijiquan, knock my teeth, rub my face or buckle the back of my head with both hands, and do "Singing Sky Drum".

6. In the morning (7~9 a.m.), the liver and gallbladder meridians run

After the activity, drink a cup of boiling water, comb your hair a thousand times and a hundred times, and then wash your toilet. Breakfast should be light and full. It can walk a hundred feet after a meal, but is not suitable for compressive strength training.

7. At noon (9:00~11:00 in the morning), the spleen channels run

After indoor ventilation, you can work in your mind, but you should pay attention to the reasonable arrangement of time, so that your eyes can have an immediate rest.

8. At noon (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), the heart meridians run

It is lunch time. In addition to rich nutrition and nutrition, it is recommended to drink some soup and eat less salt. Wine can be drunk but not drunk. It is advisable to sleep for 30 minutes after a meal.

9. At the end of the day (1~3 p.m.), the small intestine channels run

After taking a nap, you can do a small amount of relaxing exercise and drink a cup of tea.

10. Shenshi (3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.), the bladder meridians run

It is the best learning time, memory and judgment are very active. In addition to mental labor training, pay attention to drinking more water.

11. The spleen meridians run at unitary hour (5~7 p.m.)

It is the best opportunity for those with kidney deficiency to invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang. Dinner should be small, mild and can be served with porridge.

12. At midnight (7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.), the pericardium channels were running

Prepare the sleep quality in advance. Before going to bed, calm down and refresh yourself. Wash your face with cold water, brush your teeth with warm boiled water, and wash your feet with boiled water. Sleep on the right side.

key word: the viscera Twelve Hour Corresponding Organ Regimen Twelve hours Health preserving knowledge

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