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Which brand of household blood glucose meter is good in cost performance, and the top ten blood glucose meters are popular

2022-02-28 16:59:05 Source: Collection
In recent years, the number of "three high" people in China has increased significantly, and there is a trend to spread to younger people.

The lifestyle of young people, such as high work pressure, often staying up late, irregular diet and lack of exercise, has become the main reason to promote the healthy and young people with three high blood pressure. Among them, blood glucose monitoring and prevention is the key to diabetes. Here is a list of the top ten brands of household blood glucose meters to see which brand is more cost-effective.


1. Roche Swiss brand, price: 848-999 yuan.

Roche is a famous brand in Switzerland. Founded in 1896, Roche is a global famous brand in the medical field, a world top 500 enterprise, a large biotechnology company in the world, and a world leading multinational company in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic fields.


2. One touch, American brand, price: 468-899 yuan

It has changed its name to Wenjie, which belongs to the brand of the century old brand Johnson&Johnson Group. Johnson&Johnson has certain authority in the medical field, and its products also have certain influence in the medical field. The use of Johnson&Johnson blood glucose meter is safe and portable, which is highly praised in the medical field, but the price is high, and the single use cost is difficult for ordinary families to accept.


3. Yuwel, a domestic brand, with a price of 159-369, is an A-share listed company and one of the largest medical and health enterprises in China. Yuwel has a strong brand influence and involves many products in the medical industry, among which Yuwel sphygmomanometer and oxygen generator are among the largest in the industry. Among similar products in China, the product premium is also high, which is favored by the capital market.


4. Sinocare, a domestic brand with a price of 59-399, is a well-known brand in Hunan Province and one of the major manufacturers of blood glucose monitoring system products in China. Sancare blood glucose meter ranks among the top 3 in the industry in e-commerce sales platform. The e-commerce platform sales are the main source of the company's business revenue, focusing on the needs of family users in the lower market. The blood glucose meter has high cost performance ratio, medium stability, and is suitable for basic consumers.


5. Abbott, an American brand, with a price of 599-2999, is a well-known enterprise in the global health field. Its products cover medical and health fields such as diagnostics, medical devices, nutrition products, and drugs. It is one of the main sales brands of dynamic monitoring blood glucose meters.


6. Bioland, a domestic brand with prices of 69-299, is the first manufacturer of blood glucose meter test paper in Guangdong Province. Its main products are blood glucose meters and sphygmomanometers. Its business mainly comes from the retail channels of more than 100000 chain pharmacies and hospitals across the country. At the same time, it also provides ODM business for famous enterprises such as JD Health, Dingdang Express, iFLYTEK, and Pianzaihuang Medical. Now, it has entered the IPO stage.


7. Cofoe, a domestic brand, with a price of 59-299, is a large medical equipment supplier, an A-share listed enterprise, headquartered in Changsha, Hunan Province. The main product of pregnancy is large-scale medical devices, and the main product facing consumers is masks. During the epidemic, the business revenue of masks soared, and it will enter the blood glucose meter market in 2020.


8. OMRON, a Japanese brand, price: 338-778. OMRON's sphygmomanometer is very famous, but actually OMRON also makes blood glucose meters, but compared with blood pressure meters, the market share of blood glucose meters is small, and they are not as famous as blood pressure meters. Omron, founded in 1933, has more than 27000 employees and holds the world's leading core sensing and control technology


9. Yicheng, price: 69-299, domestic blood glucose meter brand, national high-tech enterprise, established in 1993, supported by the national high-tech plan ("863" plan), and a professional manufacturer in the field of rapid medical testing in China.


10. Haier (price: 99-199), a Chinese brand and one of the world's top 500 enterprises, believes that Haier does not need to make more introductions. Haier entered the blood glucose meter market in 2020, and now it is mainly located in Ali Pharmacy, with rapid sales growth.


The above is the ranking list of the top ten brands of glucose meters for your reference in the future.

key word: High cost performance

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