Zhonggong Entertainment

Absorb the "fresh blood" of young people in "Shenqi Kid"

Zheng Zeshi: over 70 years old, still hot blooded

Source: Yangcheng Evening News
2024-05-24 16:04

Original title: Absorbing the "Fresh Blood" of Young People in Shenqi Kid (introduction)

Zheng Zeshi: over 70 years old, still hot blooded (theme)

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Hu Guangxin

Zheng Zeshi returned to TVB (Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) after five years, and the drama "God Qi Kid" starred by him is being broadcast on TVB Jade Station and Buried Piles. In the play, Zheng Zeshi plays a wealthy businessman Qian Dahai. He founded Qian Wanshi Group from scratch and has enjoyed great prosperity for decades, but his relationship with his son, daughter and other family members has repeatedly failed. Later, Qian Dahai is kidnapped and rescued by Zhao Ziyong (Xiao Zhengnan). In his relationship with Zhao Yiming (Xian Jingfeng), Zhao Ziyong's son, he starts to re-examine himself and gradually realizes that family is more important than money.

Zheng Zeshi, who is over 70 years old, is still young. In the first week of the broadcast of "Shenqi Kid", the audience rating increased steadily, and the cross platform live broadcast reached a maximum of 19.6 points. Recently, Zheng Zeshi and Xian Jingfeng, another leading actor of the play, gave an interview to the reporter to share the shooting of the "God Qi Kid". During the interview, Zheng Zeshi kept on saying that he was a "zombie" and drew blood from the younger generation. "This play has made me much younger".

Create the villain Qian Dahai, "turn myself into him"

The last time Zheng Zeshi played a leading role in TVB dramas was in 2019's Neighborhood Treasurer. This time, he admitted that he was attracted by the script and production. Zheng Zeshi said, "Sister Zhen (Zeng Lizhen) gave me a chance to come back and let me meet a very good screenwriter, and I would like to thank her solemnly." The production of "Shenqi Kid" started officially only after 20 complete episodes of the script, giving Zheng Zeshi enough time to prepare: "I am a slow growing actor. With a complete script this time, I can study the role more thoroughly and find the character of the role.

Unlike the role played by Zheng Zeshi in the past, which was either righteous or kind, Qian Dahai in "Shenqi Kid" is a stubborn and mean "villain". Zheng Zeshi's performance gives the character Qian Dahai a rich sense of hierarchy, which is both love and hate. When talking about how to shape a character, he said: "I started from the script, found the real flesh and blood of this person, thought with his way of thinking, imagined what had happened to him, led him to become this state, and finally turned myself into him." In order to highlight Qian Dahai's hegemony, the producer Wang Weiren specially designed an image of "tiger dog". Zheng Zeshi liked this idea very much: "In everyone's impression, 'Tiger Dog' is quite fierce and matches Qian Dahai very well. This image has really received a good response after it came out."

When talking about the expectation of "God Qi Kid", Zheng Zeshi said that the most important thing is to be liked by the audience. In his opinion, Hong Kong style romantic comedy is full of strong human feelings, and he hopes that the "Shenqi Kid" can make the audience enjoy a TV time of laughter and tears every night. He also looks forward to seeing the audience's comments, whether good or bad, and will follow the orders: "It doesn't matter whether the comments are good or bad, the most important thing is to be pertinent, so that we can improve and make further progress next time."

Cooperation with young people is a "blood sucking" process

In Shenqi Kid, Zheng Zeshi played many matches with Cao Yonglian, Xiao Zhengnan, Fan Yimin, Xian Jingfeng and other descendants. He humorously described the cooperation as a "blood sucking" process: "I am a 'zombie', and I need to suck a lot of blood to maintain my life. I was lucky to meet a lot of fresh blood this time, and they provided me with a lot of nutrients." When talking about Xian Jingfeng, a newcomer, Zheng Zeshi was more appreciative: "His blood is' hot and hot ', making me a hot old man. In fact, it is not that I teach him anything, but that I absorb the mentality and ideas of young people, so that I can adjust myself, and I feel that I have become younger. "

Zheng Zeshi, who is 72 years old this year, laughed when asked if he had any difficulty in the high-intensity shooting of TVB: "Of course not. I have 'sucked' so much 'blood', so I am energetic! The production process of TVB dramas has been like this for decades. I will ask myself whether I can support this kind of work intensity before receiving the play, so I will come. Although I can only sleep 4 hours a day on average for two months, I can still accept it. " He said more modestly: "It's best to be tired, which means I'm still important."

Today, Zheng Zeshi is still enthusiastic about performing. In recent years, his film and television production has decreased. He frankly said that he did not take the initiative to reduce production, but hoped to get more job opportunities: "Actors do not have the initiative. We need to rely on producers and platforms to give us opportunities. I never pick scripts, because acting is what I want to do most."

He doesn't mind his screen image being stereotyped. "For example, the dramas I have shot in TVB in recent years are all sentimental comedies. In fact, it is not my choice, but the market has chosen me. The producers will come to me when they think I am suitable for any role. As an actor, what I need to do is to give more flesh and blood to the role after completing the basic tasks. To thoroughly study and perform a role well is the way I reward myself."

He looked forward to more cooperation with TVB: "TVB is my family, and I hope I can 'go home and have a look'. It would be best if I could shoot a play every year."

Xian Jingfeng: Learn from predecessors to make the performance more exquisite

In the play, Xian Jingfeng, a newcomer, also received much attention. Born in 1998, he came into the public's view through the first season of TVB singing program "The Legend of Dreams". Later, he joined the talent show "Asian Superstar Group" and became a member of the limited group LOONG9 with the third place. "God Qi Kid" is Xian Jingfeng's first drama to choose Daliang to play in. When he came up, he had to play with the veteran actors, such as Zheng Zeshi, Xiao Zhengnan, Cao Yonglian, and so on. He said frankly that he felt pressure: "The pressure comes more from himself. Every day I can see such powerful seniors, so I have higher requirements on myself and hope to play a better role."

Xian Jingfeng hopes he can turn pressure into power. He learned a lot from the seniors, and gained a lot: "Brother Kent (Zheng Zeshi) said, 'He absorbs blood from young people', and I think my blood is a fierce force, which can be released but not withdrawn. From the seniors, I learned how to adjust to make the performance more delicate. For example, I had a long match with Brother Kent, and the script had four or five pages. I took a long time to prepare in advance, but brother Kent discussed with me 30 minutes before starting up that day, and he wanted to adjust the rhythm, dialogue and mood in some places. This is difficult for me. I didn't do a good job when shooting, but later I got the advice from Brother Kent. I also used 30 minutes of lunch time to digest the scene again, and then I successfully shot the desired effect. "

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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