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Restore, invigorate, grow, heat up...... Feel the "pulse" of China's economy from line to line

Source: CCTV Network
2024-05-24 15:06

Original title: recovery, activity, growth, warming up... "feel the pulse" of China's economy between lines "several miles"

CCTV news: The National Development and Reform Commission recently said that in the first quarter of 2024, the domestic and foreign passenger traffic volume of international cruise ships in China has exceeded 190000 person times, and the cruise tourism market in China has shown a rapid recovery and growth trend.


It is reported that in recent years, China has introduced a number of policies and measures to promote the development of the cruise economy, and the cruise industry in China has gradually recovered and continued to improve. The first domestic large cruise ship "Ida Mordor" has successfully operated more than 30 voyages, and the second large cruise ship entered the stage of final assembly in April. Cruise tourism has recovered rapidly, and new routes such as Southeast Asia have been developed on the basis of traditional routes such as inland rivers, coastal areas, Japan and South Korea. The recovery of inbound cruise routes has been accelerated. Since 2024, 21 international cruise ships have been operating at ports in China.


Huo Fupeng, head of the Industrial Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the cruise tourism market is continuing to pick up. After the resumption of international cruise in September 2023, the annual domestic and foreign passenger traffic volume will reach more than 107000 person times. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the number of passengers will exceed 190000, showing a trend of rapid recovery and growth. It is worth mentioning that in March, at the peak of Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port, there was a scene of "four cruise ships at the same time". According to the prediction of the Cruise Yacht Industry Association, from 2024 to 2025, China's cruise tourism market will fully recover and enter a new stage of industrial development.

Less than a week after the release of the new property policy, the activity of property market transactions increased significantly

On May 18, Shanghai announced that it would cut the interest rate of individual housing provident fund loans, among which the minimum rate of the first house with a term of more than five years would be 2.85%. Since the release of the new policy, has the transaction activity of Shanghai property market increased?


At noon on May 22, the reporter saw at a real estate agency store on Jinshajiang Road in Shanghai that the box of house keys in the store was more than half empty, and many salesmen hurried out to receive customers near the lunch point.


It is understood that on the first weekend after the announcement of the new policy, the intermediary's new second-hand housing in the city increased by about 20% on average compared with the weekend in April, and the turnover increased by more than 30% compared with the weekend of the previous week. Two days after the listing of the old public house in Putuo District, the contract was signed last Sunday, with a total price of 1.92 million yuan for 30 square meters, which has set a new high since the first half of the year.


As of May 21, the turnover of second-hand housing in Shanghai, including commercial and residential housing, exceeded 11000 units in May, of which nearly 4600 units were sold last week, up 25% from the previous week.

China's foreign non-financial direct investment increased 18.7% year on year

The Ministry of Commerce announced on May 23 that from January to April 2024, China's foreign non-financial direct investment will be 343.47 billion yuan, up 18.7% year on year. Among them, the non-financial direct investment of Chinese enterprises in the "Belt and Road" co construction country was 77.77 billion yuan, up 20.4% year on year.


From January to April 2024, the turnover of China's foreign contracted projects reached 313.42 billion yuan, up 8.8% year on year; The newly signed contract amount was 444.39 billion yuan, up 9.3% year on year. Among them, Chinese enterprises jointly built national contracting projects along the "Belt and Road" and achieved a turnover of 252.56 billion yuan, up 9.1% year on year; The newly signed contract amount was 386.29 billion yuan, up 17.7% year on year.

China will take 22 measures to reduce the cost of real economy enterprises

The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that China will take 22 measures to reduce the cost of physical economic enterprises from 7 aspects, including improving the targeted effectiveness of preferential tax policies, improving the quality of financial services for the real economy, continuously reducing institutional transaction costs, and easing the pressure on enterprise labor costs.

Yiwu, Zhejiang: Olympic product orders continue to rise "Olympic economy"

At present, the Paris Olympics is still some time away. The orders for Olympic products in Yiwu International Trade City of Zhejiang Province continue to rise, and the "Olympic economy" continues to heat up.  


This is the third district of Yiwu International Trade City, full of various sports goods. The reporter learned that the orders of sports goods such as basketball, football and volleyball have soared recently.


Compared with machine sewing, pasting and making balls is light and soft, and is more popular abroad. The three major sales volumes of this merchant increased by about 30% over the same period in 2023.


In addition to sporting goods, Olympic related products such as national flags, refueling scarves, fan wigs and cheer sticks are also popular. Statistics show that in the first two months of 2024, Yiwu's exports to France soared by 42% year on year, of which the export of sports goods surged by 70%.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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