Zhonggong Entertainment

Virtual Technology Shoots Ancient Costume Dramas, Strange Stories, Traditional Ethics

Yang Mi's new play "The Fox Demon Little Bridesmaid's Red Moon" opens

Source: Beijing Evening News
2024-05-24 14:36

Original title: Virtual Technology Shooting Ancient Costume Drama, Tales of Strangers, Traditional Ethics in Drama Style (Introduction)

Yang Mi's new play "The Fox Demon Little Bridesmaid's Red Moon Chapter" opens (theme)

Beijing Evening News (reporter Li Xiazhi) The ancient costume drama "The Red Moon of the Fox Demon Little Bridesmaid" starring Yang Mi and Gong Jun premiered last night exclusively by iQiyi.

In the world of constant conflict between human beings and demons, Tu Shan Honghong (Yang Mi), the great leader of the Tushan Fox family, is determined to hope for equality and peace between the two sides. To this end, she works with Dongfang Yuechu, the orphan of the human family Dongfang (Gong Jun), to start the task of promoting the relationship between human beings and demons, so as to resist the dark power that erodes the tree of bitterness that shelters Tushan.

Dai Ying, senior vice president of iQIYI and chief producer of "The Little Red Lady of the Fox", shared that this drama is the first time that virtual shooting technology has been widely used in domestic ancient costume dramas. Technological innovation and breakthrough have brought great improvement in efficiency and presentation effect to the drama shooting. At the same time, Dai Ying also said that the theme of the show is "love can break prejudice", and the requirements and insistence of the entire creative team on the production level are also to make the intention of the show output on the basis of a more perfect story presentation, so as to give the audience a better feeling of watching the show.

Wang Yichuan, vice chairman of the Chinese Literature and Art Critics Association, affirmed the inheritance of the drama to the traditional material culture and spiritual culture of China after watching the drama. In his opinion, the characters and stories in the drama reflect the chivalrous spirit and friendly spirit that are very important in traditional culture, and the human and demon families follow the same word of "kindness", The ingenious use of intangible cultural heritage skills reflects the inheritance of China's ancient intangible cultural heritage, and is the continuation of tradition in the contemporary era. Behind it is the continuation of traditional rituals, etiquette, ethics, and ideas.

Song Fangjin, the screenwriter, pointed out in his comments that "The Red Chapter of the Little Bridesmaid Moon" is the first time to treat the fox demon category equally and deeply. The drama is a very typical mystery play, which continues the long-standing tradition of mystery in China and is popular with the people, "The drama has created a simple and solid world view in the existing literary system, telling moving emotional stories in the structure of human and demon, and seeing the love of the world."

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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