Zhonggong Entertainment

Strong AI wind at ICIF

Source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
2024-05-24 13:28

Original title: Strong AI Wind in ICIF

Fang Shengwen, reporter of Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

When hard core technology collides with traditional culture, AI (artificial intelligence) gives the cultural industry wisdom wings. In the production field, AI provides a new creation tool; On the user side, more rich immersion experience can be realized. The new technologies and applications presented at this ICIF highlight that the AI driven cultural industry reform is advancing in depth, bringing new opportunities for development in various sub sectors.

AI display makes the exhibition interesting

"The female god of war of the Shang Dynasty", a good woman, answers questions

In Hall 11 of Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, the "female god of war of the Shang Dynasty" in front of the Henan Pavilion is very attractive. On the screen, she can not only talk with the audience, but also answer their questions. The audience saw that Fuhao is different from the traditional AI digital person who can only have a fixed dialogue and a mechanical tone, but a scholar who is rich in vast cultural knowledge. Based on various cultural relics unearthed from the tomb of Fu Hao in the Yin Ruins, the research team of Professor Tang Jigen from the Cultural Heritage Research Center of South University of Science and Technology implanted a large number of cultural and historical data knowledge maps around the archaeological research results of the "Shang Dynasty costumes", and created the first expert archeological digital intelligence in China through neural networks.

At the ICIF, there were many AI driven interactive exhibits like Fuhao, which greatly increased the interesting experience of visiting the exhibition. Nanjing Pavilion, which is also located in Hall 11, takes "Nanjing is a museum" as the main line. Through digital technology presentation, museum building silhouettes and other design elements, the visitors can start the journey of "Jinling Museum" in the digital landscape. Among them, as an integrated service cloud platform for one-stop tour of major museums in Nanjing, Nanjing Cultural Investment has brought "Nanjing Expo" to Shenzhen. This platform is built with the latest digital technologies, such as Wenshu big data, Wenmai blockchain, Changgan big model, Wendu metauniverse, etc., so that visitors can "flip" the digital map of Nanjing Museum on the spot, appreciate the cultural heritage of Nanjing, a city of museums, and experience playing with Nanjing Museum with "Ninghao" digital people.

In the Shanghai Pavilion, visitors can interact with AI, try to use the most advanced AI image generation technology in the field of AIGC (generative artificial intelligence) to generate their desired works, and experience the fun of AI painting.

AI creates new quality productivity of cultural industry

When culture meets AI, the surging tide of new quality productivity is aroused.

Wuhan Technology Digital Transmission Group Booth

In Hubei Pavilion, Wuhan Technology Digital Transmission Group focused on the first AI model of exclusive publishing industry - BOOKSGPT internal beta. Hao Liang, a pre-sales engineer, introduced that the group is committed to the intelligent transformation service of the publishing industry. At present, the market share ranks first in the industry. With BOOKSGPT as the technical support, it launched a new AI editing studio, comprehensively upgraded the RAYS modern paper book platform, provided publishing companies with the whole process service of publishing integration, and demonstrated the new quality productivity of the publishing industry.

Yuanjing Intelligence, which is also in Wuhan, shows ARTIDesignerXL, a super computing platform for artificial intelligence art design. As the first AI content creation platform in the field of art education in China, it cooperated with the innovative performance of the digital bosom friend Guoman Band, demonstrating Hubei's cutting-edge exploration in the field of integration of artificial intelligence and culture and art.

Xuanjia Network Booth

After the "Hundred Model War" in 2023, AIGC ushered in the explosion of commercial applications in 2024. From the perspective of product presentation capability, AIGC products are the most popular in "reading and writing", while "seeing, drawing, listening, speaking" and other capabilities are also developing rapidly. In Nanjing Pavilion, Xuanjia Network displayed the AI technology service tool platform - Zhiku AIGC platform based on large-scale pre training model, generative intelligence, etc. Through the learning and recognition of existing data, it can generate relevant content with appropriate generalization ability, including text generation, cultural map, cultural audio/video, etc., which can be applied to multiple industry scenarios.

The iFLYTEK of Anhui Pavilion highlighted the iFLYTEK Spark Model at the ICIF. This is a new generation of big cognitive intelligence model launched by the company. It has the ability to understand cross domain knowledge and language, integrates multimodal input and output, and can understand and execute tasks based on natural dialogue, continuously evolve from massive data and large-scale knowledge, and realize the whole process closed-loop from proposing, planning to solving problems.

AI enables thousands of industries

Thousands of lines and industries can be deeply integrated with AI.

The staff demonstrated the physical, chemical and biological intelligent experimental platform for reporters

In front of the booth of Hopson Technology in Hall 16, the staff showed reporters how AI could improve the efficiency of experimental learning and examination. Taking the common experiment of exploring the characteristics of planar imaging as an example, there are 10 points in total. AI examiners use the camera to accurately judge the operation details and completion of each step of the examinee, and summarize the final scores. At present, this kind of physical, chemical and biological intelligent experimental platform has been piloted in many schools in Guangdong and Fujian, covering the whole process of physical, chemical and biological experimental learning, such as examination arrangement, examination implementation, intelligent scoring, teaching assistance, etc., effectively reducing manpower and duration, and greatly improving the accuracy of scoring.

Qingdaytime "Intelligent Tea Artist"

In the Cultural Creativity China exhibition area of Hall 10, a "smart tea artist" named Qingzhao is eye-catching. The "tea artist" who "cannot see, smell and speak" is similar to a coffee machine in shape. Liu Rongqiu, the head of the brand, put a "capsule" into the machine, and within one minute, a cup of fragrant green tea was ready. She introduced to the reporter that the intelligent tea artist system is the core of this experimental tea ceremony experience. It can deconstruct the steps of Chinese traditional tea art according to the different brewing methods of each kind of tea. According to the temperature, pressure, tea water ratio, brewing process and flow, it can adapt the best brewing formula of different tea types, ensuring that each brewing of each tea is the ultimate enjoyment of releasing the best taste.

AI Autocast Technology

AI has also greatly benefited the live broadcast e-commerce industry, which has high requirements for anchors. At the Baiside booth in Hall 14, a live broadcast featuring Passion Fruit is on. In the live broadcast room of the user interface, a very appealing female voice introduced the product features to consumers with both voice and emotion; At the scene where the reporter was, there was only one mobile phone quietly shooting passion fruit - no one. What the hell is going on? Huang Ruibin, general manager of BSD, introduced to the reporter that this set of AI automatic broadcast technology can independently launch without the need for live anchors. Through the recorded voice in advance, the product features can be introduced smoothly, audience questions can be answered in real time, and interaction can be carried out, demonstrating the strong potential of AI in the live broadcast field, and providing innovative marketing tools for enterprises.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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