Zhonggong Entertainment

Scholars discuss AI era writing

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
2024-05-24 10:53

Original title: Scholars discuss AI era writing

People's Daily Overseas Edition (Lan Jun) On May 19, the seminar on "What is Writing" of Literary and Art Principles in the AI Era, co sponsored by the Institute of Marxist Literary and Art Theory of the Chinese Academy of Arts and the Writing and Communication Teaching Center of Tsinghua University, was held in Beijing. Young scholars and AI writers from Tsinghua University, Peking University, China Academy of Arts, Beijing Foreign Studies University, School of International Relations, East China Normal University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and other universities and research institutions attended the meeting.

At the end of 2022, AI technology and its application, represented by the big language model, will explode. "AI generation" will become an important means of artistic creation, and also accelerate the content industry to the era of "AI generated content", i.e. AIGC. Writing increasingly needs to reposition itself in the context of human-computer interaction and human-computer cooperation. The seminar invited different creative writing teams and AI writing practitioners and observers to give interdisciplinary and cross paradigm responses to the question of "what is writing", which needs to be raised again today, based on their own exploration.

Scholars believe that AI technology is not only a tool for our writing and expression, but also shaping our way of thinking and creation; People and AI can jointly form the "best interactive form" of creativity, story writing and manuscript writing; The interactive narrative driven by the big language model has the characteristics of dynamic generation, adaptive narrative, scalability, etc. It provides an interesting meaning space, allows users to participate in it to the maximum extent, and tells a story together with the big model. We have entered the era of human-computer collaborative story generation.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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