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Three inch small cards let young people "take the lead", hidden dangers in the card removal live broadcast room

Source: China Youth News
2024-05-24 10:47

Original Title: Three inch Small Card Makes Teenagers "Get Ahead", Hidden Dangers in the Card Removal Studio

Intern Liu Yijun Intern reporter Tan Sijing and reporter Guo Shaoming of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

After the blind box and scratch music, the live broadcast room of card removal, known as "scratch music", has become a new favorite in the live broadcast industry. Why is a small three inch card so popular? How to supervise the participation of minors who cannot stop the trend of card dismantling?

"Tink, Tink, Tink, Tink", the anchor sounded the bell and shouted, "Congratulations on the boss's rare card! How lucky!" In the live broadcast room of card dismantling, there was an acrylic shelf, on which many cards and a pile of unopened card bags were the whole background. The card removal anchor skillfully opened the package with scissors, checked the card surface, stacked the cards on the shelf according to the rarity level, and quickly packed them neatly after the display, while keeping warm interaction with fans. "Bosses, it's more exciting to watch others play!" In the confusion, the anchor did not forget to urge the fans in the live broadcast room to place orders.

It is quite common to search for "card dismantling" in social media in real time, "even if you don't buy it, you will be hard controlled", "I love to watch the card dismantling, and I can't walk away at the sight of it", "I am convinced, and I always dream of dismantling the card" and other similar statements. Many people are painfully determined to "I will never dismantle the card again" in social media, but they are "slapped" when they turn around.

After the blind box and scratch music, the live broadcast room of card removal, known as "scratch music", has become a new favorite in the live broadcast industry. Why is a small three inch card so popular? What's the secret behind the card dismantling live broadcast room that "you can't stop being addicted at first sight"? How to supervise the participation of minors who cannot stop the trend of card dismantling?

Different types of small cards will always be paid by different people

Late at night, Yu Mi, a sophomore majoring in cyberspace security, accidentally swiped a live broadcast room with tens of thousands of people in it. The beautiful female anchor has a sweet voice and quickly draws and removes cards. The small cards in the live broadcast room are colorful, and there are all kinds of IP cards, including classic animation or movie IP, such as Detective Conan, Slam Dunk Master, One Piece, Harry Potter, etc; There are also the rise of Guoman IP in recent years, such as "Polly the pony", "Little Red Lady the fox demon", "Douluo Continent", "Under Strangers" and so on; Of course, there are also common star cards, star cards

The celebrity cards collected by respondents. Photograph provided by respondents

"Usually there are 10 packets in one box, and five or six small cards in one box, He also wanted to try it himself, so he began to place an order in the studio. "Just enjoy the excitement of the moment when the card is removed." Gradually, Yu Mi has accumulated more than 50 packages of removed small cards.

Unlike Yu Mi's favorite cartoon IP card, Liu Zixi, a student majoring in industrial design at a university in Beijing, prefers to collect celebrity cards. Usually, a brand new album that has not been opened will sell for tens to hundreds of yuan, including CDs, photos and 1-5 small cards. The less the number of small cards attached, the higher the average price of small cards. During high school, Liu Zixi purchased 60 small cards by purchasing albums or second-hand platforms. "Once you buy it, you will become addicted to collecting."

After he went to college, Liu Zixi had a live broadcast of the card split, which was different from the packaged card package of animation IP. The anchor sorted out the small cards in the star album separately to make a card pool, and then drew a card on the spot for tens of yuan. "Small cards can be divided into expensive cards and regular cards. If you draw a card once, you will get the middle price, which is much cheaper than the price of buying your card directly. Many people are lucky. If you draw a card at a lower price, it is actually a gambling mentality," said Liu Zixi.

Since the small card is only a three inch card, why not print it yourself? Yu Mi explained that "there are many details in the genuine small card, and it is difficult for self printing to achieve the genuine effect." Zhang Wenjing, a junior student at a university in Beijing, told reporters: "Fans who really play with small cards will attach great importance to the genuine, and attach importance to the genuine authorization."

Generally speaking, the selling price of a package of small animation IP cards is more than ten yuan or tens of yuan, including ordinary cards and high-class cards of different grades (intermediate cards, advanced cards, rare cards, hidden cards, the higher the grade, the lower the probability of winning - reporter's note). Some rare high-class cards can appreciate in the second transaction, and some high-class cards can be sold for hundreds of yuan. Yu Mi said: "A packet of 'Little Ma Baoli' small cards costs more than ten yuan. But its cost price may be less than one yuan. The reason why it can be sold so expensive is based on a consensus mechanism - consumption for your own hobby."

The interviewee placed a small card of "Little Ma Baoli" in the live broadcast room. Photograph provided by respondents

In comparison, the price ceiling of star small cards is much higher. "The most direct measure is whether the small card looks good or not, as well as the degree of rarity and the original acquisition cost." Liu Zixi said, "For example, some entertainment companies launch limited time and quantity activities, and the average price will be expensive no matter whether the small card itself looks good or not." Liu Zixi has seen that the price of the most expensive small card has been raised to 53000 yuan. "The price is based on fans' special feelings for their idols, and they will become blind when measuring the objective value of the surrounding items of their idols."

The playing method of the card dismantling live broadcast room is easy to become addictive and has hidden hidden troubles

Yu Mi's experience of card removal in the live broadcast room was not pleasant. "I didn't remove a good card, even the first three card slots." Unwilling, Yu Mi could only buy box after box with the mentality of "gambling" and "lucky", but still didn't remove the card he wanted. "When watching the live broadcast, many people are especially 'Ou' (lucky). After buying it, 'Ou' belongs to others, and 'Fei' (unlucky) belongs to me."

In contrast, Liu Zixi was much luckier when he opened the card in the live broadcast room, and received unexpected small cards when he placed an order in the live broadcast room. "One card I like very much, and one card is more expensive than my original purchase price." Although the result is good, she is unwilling to try again: "The risk is too big, it is not worth it."

Liu Zixi told reporters that she had seen many "addicted" fans place orders for a small card in the live broadcast room. "I watched it for half an hour, and he smoked for half an hour, dozens at a time." Liu Zixi sighed, "It's exaggerated. It's easy to become addicted to small cards and become crazy."

Behind the lively unpacking and card drawing in the live broadcast room, many people have questions about whether such live broadcast rooms imply gambling risks?

Zhu Junchao, deputy director of the Internet and Digital Economy Committee of the Suzhou Lawyers Association of Jiangsu Province and a lawyer who has long been engaged in legal services in the Internet field, told the reporter of the China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that if the random play method has a closed loop of "payment input - play method has the uncertainty of small and broad - output can be realized", there will be gambling risks. If the user purchases the card package of the platform to conduct a small and broad lottery, the first two conditions will be basically met, so the most important criterion is whether the third closed-loop is opened, that is, whether the platform provides reverse exchange channels, and whether the platform provides users with channels to exchange lottery gifts into legal currency, services, channels, or other properties.

Zhu Junchao said, "If the three gambling elements are not properly controlled, it is possible to turn the business behavior of live broadcast businesses into a criminal offence, constituting the crime of opening casinos. If the live broadcast platform knows that there are gambling behaviors of merchants and does not supervise them, or even provides settlement, payment, traffic push and other help, it may constitute a joint crime of the crime of opening a casino or the crime of helping information network criminal activities. "

In February 2024, in order to prevent gambling risks, the Diaoyin platform released the Publicity on Special Governance of Card Dismantling and Gambling in Live Broadcast Room at Diaoyin E-commerce Learning Center. The platform said that it found that some of the best players had gambled when they removed their cards in the live broadcast room, which was specifically reflected in the fact that they hit rare cards or jigsaw cards by removing low price cards (industry terminology: "going upstairs"), and induced consumers to continue to add packages (industry terminology: "add food" and "European package award"), and continue to remove cards until they hit a high level card award or completed the jigsaw puzzle and received a big reward, Make the card splitting behavior a way of gambling arbitrage. Based on this, the platform has made special upgrading and governance on the "card playing method of live broadcast room". The platform will regard the behaviors such as "adding food" and "physical rewards" in the process of card dismantling as small, big and gambling behaviors, and punish the illegal stores and talents by clearing, deducting the deposit, freezing the payment for goods, and deducting all illegal income.

After the release of the rectification notice, the gambling related situation in the card dismantling live broadcast room has been improved. However, with the popularity of card dismantling among minors, the addiction of the card dismantling live broadcast room is hidden.

According to the reporter's survey, on the short video platform, the card removal anchor usually clips the "European gas" full card removal live clips into short videos to attract users to watch the live broadcast. Driven by the lively atmosphere in the live broadcast room, new people sometimes ask the anchor how to play. At this time, the anchor will roughly explain how to play and say that it will be clear after playing.

The reporter tried to place an order for two packs of Sanrio family cards at 14.9 yuan in a card dismantling studio, and chose the stacking method (select CR card+1 pack, UR card+2 pack, LR card and above+5 packages), but the designated stack card was not drawn out during the unpacking process. Then the anchor claimed that he could give the reporter two more packages on the ground that the reporter was a newcomer, and then the stack card was taken out. Then the anchor told the reporter that he might be lucky. The newcomers were generally "European" and asked the reporter whether to continue to place orders. According to the reporter's observation, users often place orders for dozens of packages or even "carry the box" to buy in the live broadcast room, and frankly, they just want to pick a specific card.

Why is the card removal studio so addictive? Li Mingliang, who was once obsessed with the live broadcast of card splitting, believes that, first, it is related to the uncertainty of card drawing and the possibility of expanding with small numbers. Sometimes, he can't draw rare cards even if he draws several cards in succession, but sometimes he can draw several rare cards in succession. Second, it is related to playing methods, such as stacking, stabbing, and box lifting (stacking means that after placing an odd number of bags, if you remove the card and draw out the designated card, you can draw more corresponding bags of the designated card until all the cards drawn out are ordinary cards; stabbing means stabbing the high card position in the middle and adding a whole box; box lifting/box lifting means buying the whole box or box of card bags at one go), As well as "hide and seek" that is always broken down if the designated role does not appear.

After timely closing, Li Mingliang released the routine of video decryption and card removal live broadcast room on a video platform: some informal and unauthorized card removal live broadcast rooms will have various methods, such as making small movements outside the camera or extracting small and medium-sized cards from card packages in advance to control the selection of cards. Under the control of the psychology of a single person, it is generally to give a sweet treat first and then continue to induce the order, This cycle. At this time, the huge sunk cost will make the users who place orders become addicted and difficult for adults to control, let alone minors.

How to effectively supervise the participation of minors who cannot be stopped?

There is always a sign of "minors are not allowed to place orders" in the card removal studio. When the brand is displayed, it is hard to stop the enthusiasm of minors for small card consumption.

Liu Zixi once joined a small card related community. During the communication, she found that most of the community members were minors. "It is estimated that 70% to 80% of them are minors". During the holiday, Liu Zixi went to the offline transaction market of small cards and found that the market was basically composed of middle school students and even primary school students under the age of 18.

Chen Shiyan, the parent, posted on social media that her 13-year-old child spent 2000 yuan in the card opening broadcast room playing with her mobile phone during the holiday. She immediately applied for a refund when she found out, but the merchant said that she had agreed to open the card in the live broadcast room. Once the card was opened, it could not be sold again. Then Chen Shiyan applied for the platform to intervene, but she needed to provide her own evidence. After searching on the Internet, she found that many parents had similar experiences, some costing thousands, some even tens of thousands. It is not easy to apply for a refund. Chen Shiyan is still complaining.

When Zhang Wenjing was interviewed, she mentioned that in the topic posts about card dismantling, she often saw some card dismantling anchors or second-hand sellers complain that after they met minors who opened their bags, parents came to ask for a refund.

Why are there so many disputes? After the reporter placed an order in the live broadcast room, the administrator of the live broadcast room sent the following information to the reporter: We forbid minors to place an order in the live broadcast room, and the order is to be opened on behalf of others. After unpacking, it will not be returned or replaced. Please confirm that you are an adult (or purchase with the consent of the guardian) and will not return or replace the order after receiving the unpacking. We will only unpack the order after replying to "consent"! The reporter replied "Agreed", and the anchor started unpacking in the broadcast room. During this period, the actual age and identity of journalists were not effectively verified.

Zhu Junchao said that it is impossible to prevent minors from entering the live broadcast room of card dismantling in this way, nor can it help the live broadcast room of card dismantling clear its responsibilities.

"It is allowed for minors to buy a small amount of cards. Under normal circumstances, minors will not have the ability to spend a large amount of money. However, some minors have large deposits in their mobile phone wallets, which may be lured by criminals to buy and open a large number of cards in the live broadcast room." said Hu Ruijiang, deputy director of the Criminal Committee of Zhejiang Lawyers Association, "Laws and regulations explicitly prohibit minors from participating in gambling. If guardians of minors find that minors have participated in gambling, they should immediately take necessary measures to stop it. Operators of live broadcasting platforms or bloggers of live broadcasting rooms should take necessary measures to screen minors entering live broadcasting rooms. Prohibiting minors from participating in gambling activities is a legal obligation of operators, and this obligation will not be exempted because of the relevant prompt clauses ".

According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, minors under the age of 8 are persons with no capacity for civil conduct, and their civil legal acts are invalid. Therefore, their game recharge behavior should also be considered invalid, and they can ask the company or the platform to refund in full. Minors over 8 and under 18 are persons with limited capacity for civil conduct, and if their recharge amount is appropriate to their age and intelligence, they cannot ask for refund; If it does not fit, you can ask for a refund. Zhu Junchao told reporters that the live broadcast of card splitting is slightly different from the game. It is difficult to judge whether the order is placed by a minor or an adult. The onus of proof falls on the parents. In fact, it is difficult to refund.

In the boom of card removal in the live broadcast room, many minors even started to act as card removal anchors. By searching a short video platform, a minor blogger has nearly 600000 fans, and the videos have received 7.88 million praise accumulatively. Similar anchors are not rare. Zhang Wenjing said that she found many primary school card dismantling bloggers when shorting the video platform.

In response to the above situation, Zhu Junchao said that minors have poor self-control and are prone to addiction. They should not have participated in the live broadcast of card dismantling. However, at present, there is no effective supervision method for minors to participate in card dismantling and act as card dismantling anchors. It is suggested that parents should be vigilant, take responsibility, and guide children away from card breaking gambling; It is also suggested that the platform may consider adding face recognition function before payment in the future.

Hu Ruijiang believes that the supervision of the small card market needs to be further improved. "The network supervision means are lagging behind, and many of the playing methods in the webcast room are innovative, which leads to many disputes on the nature of these acts in judicial practice, and it is difficult to investigate and deal with them. At present, the amount of funds in the card dismantling industry is relatively small, and the attention received is not so high. From the perspective of never having a rainy day, the platform should continue to prepare clear, specific and operable live broadcast specifications and require the anchor to comply with them; The host should also strengthen self-discipline and consciously maintain a healthy network environment; The network supervision department should crack down on the live broadcast interaction with obvious gambling nature, implement the principle of "fighting early and fighting small", and avoid causing major social harm ". (At the request of interviewees, Yu Mi, Zhang Wenjing, Li Mingliang and Chen Shiyan assumed their pseudonyms)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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