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Early warning and further attack Xiamen police innovate the policing mode to improve the quality and efficiency of anti fraud

Source: Legal Daily
2024-05-24 10:36

Original title: Early warning, further attack (theme)

Xiamen police innovates the policing mode to improve the quality and efficiency of anti fraud (subtitle)

Legal Daily reporter Zhang Shuqiu

On May 10, the Xiamen Police in Fujian Province held a press conference on the results of the "Hezhan No. 1 and No. 2" centralized network access action to combat telecom network fraud, and reported the overall results and typical cases of the centralized network access action. It is reported that, according to the work deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and Fujian Provincial Public Security Department on combating and controlling the crime of telecom network fraud, and in combination with the situation of anti fraud work in Xiamen, Xiamen Public Security Bureau has set up a synthetic warfare center to carry out the "Hezhan No.1 and No.2" centralized network access operations step by step, effectively guide the whole city's anti fraud work to improve the quality and efficiency, and fully protect the citizens' "pockets".

According to the data, since the launch of the "Joint Warfare" network capture operation a month ago, Xiamen police have captured 847 suspects involved in fraud and solved 563 cases, with the number of arrests and cases solved increasing by 71.1% and 105.5% respectively year on year, driving the city's criminal police situation of wire fraud down by 23.31% since this year. The number of arrests, cases solved and case solving rate of wire fraud cases all rank among the top in the province.

"On March 27, Xiamen Public Security Bureau transferred nearly 80 police forces from criminal investigation and other police departments and branches to establish a synthetic warfare center, which is an important carrier for exploring the new policing model of" specialty+mechanism+big data ". Dai Weirong, spokesman of Xiamen Public Security Bureau and director of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau, said that one month after the establishment of the synthetic warfare center The Corps has been fighting in clusters to rapidly improve the combat effectiveness against telecom network fraud. It has produced 407 landing clues and dispatched more than 770 police to 21 provinces and 39 cities to launch a fierce attack on telecom network fraud.

"We adhere to the 24-hour operation mechanism of rapid production, comprehensive upgrading of police bank linkage, fund quick inspection and original return, and immediately mobilize resources to analyze and evaluate the fund trend for each reported telecom network fraud case, so as to ensure that the total amount and whereabouts of funds that can be traced and returned are clarified within one hour, comprehensively launch the stop payment freezing measures, and lock the withdrawal suspects Immediately organize the landing arrest, guide the return of stolen goods, and recover the losses of the masses. " Dai Weirong said.

At about 17:30 on April 29, the Xiamen police stopped paying all the funds involved in the case in 20 minutes after receiving a report that a crowd had been defrauded of 990000 yuan by a fake "customer service". In the early morning of the next day, three suspects will be captured less than 10 hours before the crime. At present, the victim's defrauded funds have entered the original return processing stage, and all the defrauded funds will be returned to the victim in the near future.

"We rely on the strike mechanism of the Synthetic Warfare Center to sort out the clues of the existing cases. Before the victim's record was completed, we had locked in three suspects in the surrounding counties and cities, immediately organized the police to raid overnight, and captured three suspects around our city in the early morning of the same day." He Jie, the leader of the First Squadron of the Fifth Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Xiamen Public Security Bureau, told the reporter of the Legal Daily.

Through a comprehensive review and analysis of the characteristics of various fraud police cases, Xiamen police also set up a special technical counter-measuring team, comprehensively using the professional technical team of public security and relevant system platform resources, to explore new methods and new paths for accurate early warning, and strive to stop crime from the source.

It is understood that since the establishment of the Synthetic Warfare Center, aiming at the goal of "no fraud calls and no fraud websites", it has optimized the output of 191300 pieces of early warning information of all kinds, intercepted more than 850000 calls and 1.85 million websites related to fraud of all kinds, and effectively promoted the decline of 23.31% in Xiamen's criminal police for telecom network fraud since this year.

At the end of 2023, Mr. Wang, who lives in Xiamen, reported that he had received a call from JD Financial customer service, informing him that there was an illegal loan limit in JD's white note account and that he needed to clear the limit by means of loans, otherwise the credit investigation would be affected. Under the deception of the other party, Mr. Wang downloaded the screen sharing software and loaned more than 20000 yuan to the "official account" provided by the other party. When he found that he had been cheated, he called the police.

"After receiving the report, the Xiamen police immediately transferred a capable police force to set up a special case team to carry out special case tackling. Through serial investigation, an overseas fraud gang led by Qiu gradually emerged." Wu Shiyong, a political commissar of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Xiamen Public Security Bureau, introduced the typical case when reporting it, "In the face of Qiu et al.'s long-term presence abroad, the domestic clues are very limited, the related cases are difficult, the restoration of identity is difficult, and many other problems, the special team focused on the clues, carefully peeled off the cocoon, and successfully locked the fraud dens after a large number of investigations, evidence collection, and case series."

Since this year, the public security organs have continued to increase their efforts to crack down on overseas fraud crimes, and members of the criminal gang have returned in succession. After learning this clue, the Xiamen police organized more than 30 police forces on April 10, 2024, and sent them to Guangdong, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces and cities to carry out centralized arrests, and captured 38 suspects. So far, 91 suspects including the management have been arrested, and the overseas fraud gang has been successfully destroyed.

Talking about the original intention and purpose of the establishment of the Synthetic Warfare Center, Wu Shiyong told reporters: "The establishment of the Synthetic Operations Center has further broken the boundaries of regional police types, front and back offices, and attack and prevention. It has carried out professional research and judgment research on the ecology, chain, and means of telecommunications network fraud crime, and researched and investigated the police situation of major sensitive cases as soon as it occurred, and deeply investigated and dug major complex difficult clues to achieve faster early warning and deeper attack."

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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