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Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province: Build a high-quality labor union station to ensure the happiness of employees "+"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 09:54


Enshi Prefecture Federation of Trade Unions and Hongmiao Community Federation of Trade Unions

United in the labor union post station of Hongmiao Community

A reading sharing and law popularization activity was carried out

The atmosphere at the event was active and the response was warm

Enshi Prefecture Federation of Trade Unions in the Construction of Trade Union Posthouse

Actively build

Learning home, rights protection home, service home

Provide for the staff and workers

More comprehensive and considerate trade union services

Realize the "two-way rush" between trade union organizations and workers

Let's have a look~

Create a learning atmosphere and build a learning home. The Enshi Prefecture Federation of Trade Unions has continuously strengthened the ideological and political guidance in the construction of trade union stations, highlighted the integration of propaganda and education, vigorously promoted the "three spirits", strengthened the selection and praise of typical trees, and encouraged the majority of workers to follow the model workers and the advanced, so as to unite their efforts for development.

Since this year, trade unions at all levels in Enshi Prefecture have actively built a fully functional "multi-dimensional service" trade union relay station, organized learning and training in a variety of ways, and "invigorated the brain" for workers. For example, reading activities with the theme of "Rose Calligraphy · Joyful Reading and Beauty", "World Reading Day" activities, community reading sharing activities, etc., and "Six Entries" activities such as model workers' preaching group entering the campus, enterprises, communities, and post stations, to listen closely to the struggles of model workers and feel their striving style.

Hongmiao Community Trade Union Post Station Launches Reading and Sharing Activities

Luo Yijie, a model worker in Hubei Province and chairman of the trade union of Xuan'en Intangible Cultural Heritage Institute, held a propaganda activity

The trade union of the People's Political Consultative Conference organ of Lichuan City, together with the trade union of Duting Street, carried out reading activities at the post station

Chorus training class activities in the "staff stage"

Increase efforts to popularize law and create a home for safeguarding rights. In recent years, the Enshi Prefecture Federation of Trade Unions has organized the whole prefecture to promote the connection of "human society+trade union" and "court+trade union" arbitration and mediation, and established a state-level and county (city) level workshop for the connection of labor dispute arbitration and mediation. Combining the publicity and education of the rule of law with the service of protecting the rights of employees, extending the publicity tentacles, organizing the masses of employees to participate in online questions, organizing volunteers to popularize the law to expand the coverage of the popularization of the law, promote the integration of legal publicity into the work and life of the masses of employees, and improve the awareness of the rule of law of the masses of employees through "online+offline" legal publicity methods such as entering enterprises, communities, and post stations, Guide the staff and workers to handle affairs according to law, find ways to solve problems, and earnestly maintain the overall social harmony and stability.

Prefectural Federation of Trade Unions held legal publicity lectures

The labor union station of Hongmiao Community carried out the "518 Workers' Rights Defense Day" and the publicity activity of the Civil Code

Focus on the needs of the masses and build a service home. Trade unions always keep in mind the well-being of the masses, and do good things and practical things. Create a labor union post station with passion to provide convenient places for workers and masses to "rest when tired, drink water when thirsty, cool when hot, and warm when cold", and further expand the functions of "love trusteeship class", "love mother and baby room", and "driver's home". Through the "four send off" activities such as cool in summer and warm in winter, visiting difficult workers, providing free cervical cancer screening for female workers in new employment forms, etc., as well as providing close services such as recruitment and employment, legal consultation, etc., employees can "see, find, get in and use", and really feel the warmth from the trade union's "home".

Labor Union Love Posthouse

40 Shunfeng city riders joined the association in the labor union post station of Hongmiao Community

Carry out manual drafting activities

Provide free physical examination for workers in new forms of employment

Enshi Prefecture Federation of Trade Unions

Serve the staff and workers wholeheartedly as the starting point of work

Take meeting the needs of employees as the foothold

Listen carefully

Safeguard legal rights and interests

Do a good job of serving the people

Strive to improve the quality of life of employees

Constantly strengthen the staff and workers

Sense of gain, happiness and security

Create a trade union station worthy of the name

(WeChat official account of Hubei Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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