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The first judicial rights and interests protection base for workers in new employment form was established in Jiangxi

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-24 07:39

Original title: Jiangxi's first new employment form labor judicial rights protection base was established

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Wang Xiaoying) Recently, the first judicial rights and interests protection base for newly employed workers in Jiangxi Province was inaugurated in Jiangxi Flow Economy Industrial Park located in Qingshanhu District, Nanchang City. The base provides "one-stop" dispute resolution services for labor disputes between new employment workers and enterprises due to labor remuneration, rewards and punishments, vacations, occupational injuries, etc.

In recent years, the new form of employment has facilitated people's lives and promoted market consumption. At the same time, the demand of workers in the new form of employment for labor rights and interests protection has become increasingly prominent. In 2023, the People's Court of Qingshanhu District will accept 20 civil and commercial cases involving new forms of employment. According to Wang Lu, President of the Case Filing Division of Qingshanhu District Court, through research, it is found that the operation and development of emerging industries need to be more legal and compliant in many aspects. The purpose of the base is to provide authoritative and free inquiry places for workers in new forms of employment, standardize the operation of the industry, and promote the healthy development of the platform economy.

It is understood that the establishment of the base is based on the establishment of a professional mediation organization and a joint mediation mechanism, to improve the new working system of labor and personnel dispute mediation, people's mediation, judicial mediation, administrative mediation and other linkage in the new employment form, and to actively create a working pattern of "people and society leading, department coordination, industry participation, and judicial security".

At the same time, we should make full use of the mediation platform to do a good job in the connection of labor dispute litigation and mediation in new forms of employment, comprehensively improve the efficiency of conflict resolution, constantly improve the application, acceptance, mediation and other work processes, and jointly establish and improve the new pattern of work to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment.

Next, the district court will strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant departments, focus on solving the key and difficult problems in the operation of the protection of workers' rights and interests in new forms of employment, provide more experience in judicial services for workers' rights and interests in new forms of employment that can be copied and promoted, and contribute to the construction of harmonious labor relations.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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