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Foshan Workers' Lecture Hall "Warm Heart Umbrella" for Female Workers

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 21:25

On May 21, a popular science activity on women's health and protection of labor rights and interests was held in Foshan Trade Union Vocational and Technical School. The activity was hosted by Foshan Federation of Trade Unions, and about 150 women workers' representatives participated in the activity.

Experts were invited to give a detailed introduction on caring for women's health, as well as common reproductive health prevention and treatment measures, so that everyone fully realized the importance and necessity of participating in the screening of "two cancers", and popularized the basic knowledge of women's health for female workers on site. At the same time, lawyers were invited to interpret the relevant laws and regulations on the protection of the rights and interests of women workers in detail, encouraging and guiding women workers to know, abide by and understand the law in their daily work and life, and also learn to correctly use legal knowledge to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

"Today, I learned special practical health knowledge, and also reminded me to form good habits in work and life, and do a regular physical examination." After listening to the lecture on popularizing the law, Huo Lihua, vice chairman of the trade union of Guangdong Sixth Construction Group Co., Ltd., said she benefited a lot.

In recent years, Foshan Federation of Trade Unions has carried out a wide range of publicity activities based on the needs of workers. In 2023, the trade unions at all levels of the city will carry out 528 employee lectures, with 27109 employees participating.

It is reported that the Women's Working Committee of Foshan Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out "care, health screening, child custody, psychological care, friendship" with the theme of "five periods (menstruation, pregnancy, maternity, lactation, menopause)", "love mother's cabin", "love trust class", "two cancer" screening The "Caring Action" for women workers, mainly including recreational and sports activities, will strengthen the humanistic care and psychological counseling for women workers, continue to do good deeds, practical things, and solve problems for women workers, and enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of women workers' organizations of trade unions.

Southern Industrial Daily All media reporter Huang Xiying, correspondent Huo Jiaqi)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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