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Guangdong Heshan Federation of Trade Unions held a lecture on family education

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 20:41

Recently, the Federation of Trade Unions of Heshan City, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, held a family education lecture at the Yanshan Community Party Mass Service Center with the theme of "How to train children who are not proud of success and dauntless of defeat", and invited Tan Chuntian, an outstanding teacher and advanced worker of mental health education in primary and secondary schools in southern Guangdong Province, to give lectures.

Through the interesting "thumb game", the lecture interacted with parents on the spot to make everyone understand that children should be guided to realize that competitiveness is an advantage, but they must be able to afford to lose. After losing, they can turn frustration into motivation to forge ahead. At the same time, they should understand the importance of teamwork and continuous efforts for success. During the interaction, parents raised the problem of parent-child education that troubled them. Teachers proposed solutions to the problem from the perspective of the significance of parents' teaching by example, the skills of parent-child communication, and the creation of a harmonious family atmosphere. Everyone said they benefited a lot.

(Nanfang Gongbao Li Wanqing)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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