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Dingyuan County, Anhui Province launched the "Caring for Employees Public Welfare Partnership and Tie Plan" activity

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 12:12

On the afternoon of May 18, the Federation of Trade Unions of Dingyuan County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, in conjunction with the County Civilization Office, the County Disabled Persons' Federation and other units, jointly organized the National Handicap Day and the "Caring for Workers and Public Welfare Partnership Tie Plan" activity.

The activity site has set up a handicraft exhibition area and a policy explanation area. In front of the handicraft exhibition area, handicrafts for the disabled attracted many people to stop and watch, and people were full of praise for exquisite craftsmanship. In front of the policy platform, volunteers distributed policy leaflets to past people and friends of the disabled, explaining disability prevention, disability rehabilitation and legal knowledge for the disabled, and patiently answering their questions.

The "Caring for Employees Public Welfare Partnership Ties Plan" is one of the main contents of the work of improving the quality of life of employees of the Federation of Trade Unions of Anhui Province and Chuzhou City in 2024. It aims to carry out activities to improve the quality of life of employees through various social forces such as charitable organizations, caring enterprises and voluntary services, and promote the refinement and socialization of the work of helping and serving employees, Explore new methods and paths to improve the quality of life of employees in the county.

Next, the Dingyuan County Federation of Trade Unions will continue to promote the pilot work of the "Caring for Employees Public Welfare Partnership Ties Plan", widely solicit the needs and opinions of the staff and workers through the form of questionnaire survey on their service needs, and carry out projects in health management, old-age care, childcare, family education training, marriage and dating, psychological counseling, culture and sports, Serve the staff and workers in a more accurate way. (Wang Jing)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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