Zhonggong Entertainment

All things are treasures

Source: Nan Fang Daily
2024-05-23 11:12

Original title: All things are treasures

May 22 this year is the 24th International Biodiversity Day, with the theme of "Biodiversity, you and I participate together". In recent days, thematic publicity, education and science popularization activities have been continuously carried out throughout the country to widely disseminate biodiversity knowledge, enhance public awareness of conservation, and jointly promote the formation of an atmosphere for biodiversity conservation.

"Everything has its own harmony, and each has its own sustenance." Biodiversity is the basis for human survival and development, and is the blood and foundation of the earth's life community. In recent years, China has effectively strengthened biodiversity conservation, and new achievements have been made in biodiversity conservation. 90% of China's terrestrial ecosystem types and 74% of the national key protected wild animal and plant populations have been effectively protected, 112 species of unique rare and endangered wild animals and plants have returned to the wild, and the number of more than 300 species of rare and endangered wild animals and plants in the wild has steadily increased.

Biodiversity is inseparable from the support of a good ecological environment. Only when the sky is bluer, the water is clearer, the mountains are greener, and the ecology is more beautiful can all creatures have their own place and sing in harmony. We must be soberly aware that the situation of China's ecological environment is still severe and the pressure on biodiversity is still increasing due to the over utilization of natural resources, environmental pollution, invasion of alien species, climate change and other factors, which requires us to have a deep reverence for nature, feed all creatures in the way of nature, and seek development opportunities from the protection of nature, We will achieve win-win results in ecological environment protection and high-quality economic development, and actively build a beautiful home where people and nature coexist in harmony.

Guangdong is one of the provinces with the richest biodiversity in China. Statistics show that there are 1052 species of terrestrial vertebrate wild animals, 210 species of river zooplankton, 281 species of freshwater and estuarine fish recorded and distributed in the province, and the number of wild animal and plant species ranks first in the country. In addition, rare species such as the Chinese white dolphin, which is known as the "giant panda on water", and the black faced spoonbill, which is known as the "giant panda in birds", "hide" in the mountains and rivers of South Guangdong, making Guangdong frequently become the typical representative of "excellent students" in ecological protection. Every plant and grass has a spirit; All animals and birds are treasures, which is also a vivid epitome of the solid progress of ecological construction in Green and Beautiful Guangdong.

From actively protecting wild animals and plants in situ and ex situ, supervising and enforcing the law, releasing the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan of Guangdong Province (2023-2030), and carrying out theme publicity activities such as World Wetland Day, Global Tiger Day, and World Migratory Bird Day, Guangdong's efforts are "always on the way". The current and future period is an important period for building a beautiful China. Guangdong should press ahead, firmly establish and practice the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", achieve development in protection and protection in development, form a new pattern of biodiversity protection, and make new breakthroughs in building a modern Guangdong model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

"It's hard for people to get up alone, but it's easy for people to move forward." Take the initiative to participate in afforestation activities, avoid eating wild animals, and reduce the use of plastic bags... I believe that in the joint progress of "you and I participate together", the level of biodiversity protection in the whole society will be further improved, so that more beautiful creatures will be seen. Stator

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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