Zhonggong Entertainment

Online celebrities who show off their wealth and worship money should be "cool"

Source: Nan Fang Daily
2024-05-23 11:06

Original title: Online celebrities who show off their wealth and worship money should be "cool"

One night, "no one was found"!

On the evening of May 21, an "earthquake" occurred in the online celebrity circle: many millions of online celebrities, such as "Wang Hongquan Star", "Bao Yu Jia Jie" and "Bai Gongzi", were blocked and banned by major social platforms, which caused a lot of acclaim on social media, and related topics hit the top of the hot search.

The wall full of big brand bags, all kinds of imperial green jadeite jewelry, numerous stars in luxury brand stores, never relent when participating in auctions in major auction houses at home and abroad, claiming that "there are seven luxury houses in Beijing, and there are no eight figures in the whole body that do not go out"... On social media, the "rich life" shown by "Wang Hongquan stars" is beyond the imagination of many people.

The network is an extension of the real society. Taking "flaunting wealth" as the only sign of success, and making every effort to create the ability of "setting people up", in essence, it is to promote money worship and extravagance, which virtually spreads social anxiety, stimulates resentment, intensifies blind comparison, and also destroys the network ecology. It is not just a simple personal behavior.

If we do not crack down on this evil trend, we can imagine the harm. Especially for young people, their minds are not mature enough and they lack critical knowledge of wealth. This poisonous "Versailles" may cause imitation effect, fuel the "false fire" of overnight fame, virtually dispel the meaning of hard work and down-to-earth, and open up a market for the absurd "theory that reading is useless".

In fact, some "flaunting wealth" is simply self directing and self acting - making use of some people's curiosity, under the banner of "experiencing life", to deliberately create the illusion of delicacy, whose real purpose is to drain and realize. A media survey found that on the e-commerce platform, you can buy a large number of materials designed for high-end circle of friends at a cost of more than 10 yuan. As long as you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find the paradox: since you are so "rich and capricious", why do you still try to "sell goods to become rich" and focus on "attracting the eye is attracting the money"?

It is imperative to eliminate vice and promote purity. As early as June 2022, the Code of Conduct for Internet Anchors jointly formulated and issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism clearly stipulates that "it is not allowed to display or hype a large number of luxury goods, jewelry, paper money and other assets, display an unrestrained extravagant life, and devalue the wealth display behavior of low-income groups". This year's "Qinglang" series of special actions directly targeted at key areas, including "advocating wealth and money, and inducing fans to pursue stars without bottom line".

Flow has no original sin, but its transmission has its own boundaries. For the "problem online celebrity", the platform must take the main responsibility, hit the illegal accounts of wealth display and money worship, cut off the transmission channel of "problem traffic", advocate rational and civilized consumption and values, promote the upward network culture, and never allow "bad money drives good money".

"The heaven and earth are full of righteousness and manifold." From "frugality is the common virtue; extravagance is the great evil", to "quiet self-cultivation, frugality is the support of virtue", to "porridge and rice, it is hard to think"... How many ancient sayings about diligence and thrift are still in the ear and enlighten people today. The majority of netizens should also polish their eyes, avoid blindly following the crowd mentality, and consciously resist "problem online popularity". For online celebrities and big TVs, the more traffic and responsibility they have, the more they should cherish their feathers, take more social responsibilities, spread more positive energy content, and guide the audience with correct values. Zhong Yi

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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