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"The same meal, the same dish, the same price" for teachers and students is worth popularizing

Source: Nan Fang Daily
2024-05-23 10:52

Original title: "Same food, same price" for teachers and students is worth promoting

According to our report, Zhuhai Municipal Education Bureau recently issued a notice requiring the canteens of schools directly under the city to be open to all teachers and students from May. In principle, no canteens for teachers and staff should be set up, so that "the same food, the same quality, and the same price" can be achieved, which has received much attention and praise.

Campus food safety concerns the happiness of hundreds of millions of families and has always affected the hearts of all sectors of society. Through the initiative of "the same meal, the same food, the same price", teachers and students can directly grasp the students' evaluation and opinions on the service quality of the canteen, eliminate unnecessary anxiety of parents, and find problems that can be improved in time to better ensure the safety of students' meals at school. In the process of the same meal, it can also strengthen the communication between teachers and students. In the long run, it is beneficial and harmless to create a good atmosphere of harmony and beauty between teachers and students on campus. At present, many public schools in Zhuhai have taken the lead in sharing meals with teachers and students, with more than 100000 students sharing meals with teachers.

"Teachers and students eat together" is a good practice, but it is not the first in China. According to public reports, in September last year, Ningbo, Zhejiang, implemented a centralized procurement and distribution system at the county level in primary and secondary schools across the city. Teachers' canteens were canceled and teachers and students ate together. In 2019, the Regulations on School Food Safety and Nutrition Health Management jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Market Supervision and the National Health Commission required that "primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should establish a centralized meal accompanying system, and each meal should be shared by the relevant school leaders and students" and "conditional primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should establish a parent meal accompanying system". From accompanying meals to the same meals and then to "the same quality and price of the same meals", it reflects the increase in emphasis, as well as the refinement and improvement of related work.

Looking beyond the region, it is not easy to implement the system of accompanying and sharing meals. In reality, some local headmasters' accompanying meals become mere formality, and the system of accompanying meals is virtually nonexistent. In my opinion, if the system is to be effective, there must be at least two barriers: first, the consensus barrier. For example, there is a voice that the key is that school leaders should have meals with students, and "teachers are tired enough at ordinary times". The profile shows that promoting food accompaniment and meals should reach consensus, create a strong atmosphere, and do a variety of work; The second is implementation. For example, leaders and teachers may be treated specially, and it is difficult to supervise everything in detail; In addition, teachers can still choose to order takeout or eat out, and may also ask people to question the effect of the policy. Many details are difficult to put on the table, but they are embarrassing problems that may be encountered in actual operation.

Building the defense line of campus food safety involves all aspects of the school, industry competent departments, food safety supervision departments, and health supervision departments. The local government also put forward specific requirements for canteen oil, food material purchase costs, etc., saying that the canteen will gradually shift from socialized operation to government agency operation or school self operation, reflecting strong pertinence and operability.

It is an old problem to build a school canteen that is satisfactory to teachers and students, reassuring to parents, and recognized by the society. The debate over whether the prefabricated dishes can enter the campus some time ago is a typical case. Taking the opportunity of "the same meal, the same food and the same price" for teachers and students, we found problems, fed back problems and solved problems in a timely manner, so as to better ensure the food safety on campus and the nutrition and health of students, or provide us with some new ideas. Land planation

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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