Zhonggong Entertainment

More "Guo Youcai", less "Guo Youcai"

Source: Chongqing Daily
2024-05-23 10:48

Original title: More "Guo Youcai", less "Guo Youcai"

Recently, "Guo Youcai", an online celebrity, became popular because he sang "Promise" in Heze South Railway Station. Heze South Railway Station has also become a "online celebrity clocking place". However, while attracting a large number of tourists, it has also attracted a large number of Internet celebrities in strange clothes. Many anchors said that the traffic will be good with keywords such as "Youcai" and "Heze". "As long as the account has the name of" Guo Youcai ", there will be traffic".

In the network era, live broadcasting has become a force that cannot be ignored, and its influence can even significantly enhance the popularity of a city. An ordinary railway station, driven by online celebrity live broadcast, has become a "show", reflecting the talents of the parties involved, and has also become a window to understand the city. In this upsurge, many popular webmasters rushed in, hoping to become the next "Guo Youcai". However, among these people, there is no lack of "Guo Youcai" who only pursues short-term interests and has no shell.

In this fast-paced era, no one can casually succeed. Behind the success of every anchor, there are unknown sweat and bitterness. Many people only see the fame and wealth of "grass roots" after they become Internet celebrities, but they ignore that this is the result of long-term hard work. In contrast, those "Guo Youcai" who only attract attention by making fun, playing sidekicks and other meaningless ways may get some traffic and attention in the short term, but they lack the core of sustainable development. Without the support of thick "talent", a temporary fire will only be a flash in the pan after all; The more you want to take shortcuts and make fast money, the easier it is to get away from "talent".

Only by brushing off the noise of the network can we face up to the industry value of live broadcasting. This is an emerging industry full of opportunities and challenges, and countless young people are eager to show their talents and realize their dreams of life through this stage. However, do not put the cart before the horse and go in the wrong direction. Just as a tree needs to be deeply rooted in the soil and constantly absorb nutrients if it wants to grow tall, an anchor who wants to achieve success and long-term development must also improve himself through continuous learning, water his dream with sweat, and demonstrate his unique charm with his personality. Whether it is for those who want to devote themselves to this industry or for those "Guo Youcai" who have begun to show their talent, they should have more "talent" pursuit and less "wealth" obsession. It is the right way to keep your feet on the ground, practice hard and accumulate enough talent on the road of pursuing dreams.

We look forward to more talented people on the Internet, bringing sincere and high-quality content to everyone, delivering positive energy with their own hard work, and making cyberspace sound positive. Song Bo

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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