Zhonggong Entertainment

Leading high-quality development with new cultural quality productivity

Source: Yangcheng Evening News
2024-05-23 10:43

Original title: Leading high-quality development with new cultural productivity

The wind rises in southern Guangdong, leading the tide to "new". The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair (hereinafter referred to as "ICIF") was opened on May 23. At this ICIF, the "top stream" and "new forces" of China's and the world's cultural industries will show off their skills on the same stage. In particular, Guangdong will focus on demonstrating the new cultural productivity and its successful practice of leading high-quality development.

ICIF has always been a "show place" of "culture+technology". Every year, ICIF makes people full of expectations for new technologies and new products in the field of culture and innovation. AI big model, 5G smart family scene, museum number of smart people, "AI+music"... Judging from the products and applications to be displayed in the Guangdong comprehensive exhibition area of this ICIF, they are full of "new content" and full of sense of science and technology, representing the latest achievements in the development of new quality productivity of Guangdong culture.

Guangdong is the pioneer, pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up, and has always attached great importance to cultural construction and the development of cultural industry. In recent years, Guangdong has anchored the goal of high-quality development, accelerated the development of new cultural productivity, made efforts to improve the modern cultural industry system and market system, focused on building a digital culture pilot, a new highland of cultural creativity, and a demonstration site of cultural and tourism integration, promoted the two-way integration of cultural industry and information, industry, agriculture, education, sports, and accelerated the effective docking of culture and finance, We will improve the investment and financing system for the cultural industry, and the new business model of "culture+" will gradually become a new economic growth point.

Guangdong also foresees the layout of strategic emerging cultural industries, complies with the current trend of digital industrialization and industry digitalization, vigorously cultivates digital creative industry clusters, optimizes digital creativity, digital publishing, online audio-visual, innovatively develops e-sports and live broadcast, uses digital technology to transform and improve traditional cultural formats, and promotes the development of digital creative industry clusters based on 5G, VR/AR/MR New cultural scenes of artificial intelligence, big data and other new technologies continue to emerge. According to the data, in 2023, the operating revenue of enterprises in culture and related industries above designated size in Guangdong will reach 2.25 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.0%, accounting for more than one sixth of the national total. The total scale of cultural industries will rank first in China for 20 consecutive years.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. At present, Guangdong has 10800 cultural and related industrial enterprises above designated size, 29 national cultural industry demonstration bases and parks, and the cultural industry has a good foundation and strong momentum. To further expand its advantages, Guangdong should, on the one hand, continue to strengthen policy and financial support for enterprises in product technology innovation, and encourage enterprises to build cultural and creative products with leading advantages, regional characteristics and core competitiveness based on traditional culture and local resources. On the other hand, it is also necessary to continue to promote the coordinated efforts of government, industry, university and research, cultivate urgently needed talents in the industry, promote the deep integration of the cultural industry innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain, and accelerate the transformation and application of advanced cutting-edge technology in the cultural industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of high-quality development. The new technologies, new products, new formats and new models displayed at this ICIF will lead the future development trend and transformation and upgrading direction of China's cultural industry. We expect that Guangdong will take this opportunity to continue to vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation in the cultural industry, accelerate the development of new cultural productivity, constantly enrich high-quality cultural supply, promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and inject strong momentum into the high-quality development of Guangdong. Yang Shuai

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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