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Multiple efforts to guide college students away from live broadcast chaos

Source: Dongfang.com
2024-05-23 10:42

Original title: Multiple efforts to guide college students away from live broadcast chaos

The live broadcast industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Through live broadcast, college students show their talents, promote campus culture, start businesses and help farmers with public welfare, etc., making people feel colorful campus life and the young vitality of daring to try. However, some students are biased and broadcast live in classrooms or dormitories at any time, affecting others' normal study and life; In order to do live broadcast, some students fall into the fraud of brokerage companies and training companies, and their rights and interests are not guaranteed. Some people broadcast live under the name of "student", packaged themselves as students' live broadcast, and even broadcast vulgar content for traffic. (May 20, Legal Daily)

With the rise of short video platform and online live broadcast, the live broadcast industry is in full swing, and more and more college students are doing live broadcast. Last year, Weibo released the questionnaire data of "What are the concerns of contemporary young people in employment": 61.6% of the nearly 10000 interviewed college students would consider emerging occupations such as online celebrity broadcast when they are employed, and only 38.4% would choose not to consider at all. Many college students have entered the live broadcasting industry before graduation, and some live broadcasting platforms are also willing to promote "college student anchor" as a gimmick.

Whether it is based on trying new things, or as a kind of professional ability training, it is not illegal for college students to do live broadcast or become anchors. According to the regulations, live broadcast requires real name authentication, and the anchor must be at least 18 years old; Minors over the age of 16 need to verify their identity information and obtain the consent of their parents or other guardians when providing online live broadcast publisher account registration services. In other words, as long as the age meets the requirements, there is no problem for college students to do live broadcast.

The problem now is that some college students' live broadcasts deviate from the right path and are criticized. For example, some students open live broadcasts in classrooms and dormitories without permission of others, which not only disturb the normal teaching order, affect others' study and rest, but also are suspected of violating others' portrait rights and privacy rights; Some follow the trend blindly to attract traffic in a vulgar and eye-catching way, even wandering on the edge of laws and regulations and public order and good customs in order to obtain rewards; In order to ensure the duration of live broadcast, some seriously overdraft their health and affect their studies

It is urgent to pay attention to the chaos exposed by the live broadcast of college students. First of all, colleges and universities should assume the responsibility of education. For example, through various forms of publicity of legal provisions, we can guide college students to establish a correct outlook on life and values, improve their legal awareness and media literacy, help them seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and reduce risks and adverse effects. At the same time, the time, place and method of students' live broadcast should be guided and standardized, and reasonable community rules should be formulated to draw a clear boundary for students' live broadcast behavior.

Secondly, the live broadcast platform should take the management responsibility. At present, the national level continues to strengthen the regulation of the live broadcast industry. The platform should strengthen its own regulatory responsibility, constantly improve the management rules, strictly review the qualification of anchors, strictly check the live broadcast content, strictly restrict the words and deeds of the live broadcast, and timely close or seal the illegal accounts. Especially for some MCN institutions that create gimmicks under the banner of "students" to gain attention, they should be seriously reviewed and held accountable.

At the same time, relevant departments should also strengthen supervision. On the one hand, we should take active measures to control the disorder of students' live broadcast, and regulate it from the regulatory level; On the other hand, we will resolutely crack down on criminals who pretend to be "students" to prevent the college students' live broadcast which should be full of positive energy from being polluted. Industry associations, social organizations, etc. should play an active role in providing necessary guidance and support in the protection of employment rights and interests, rights protection, etc., to avoid damage to students' rights and interests and physical and mental health.

For college students, it is still important to focus on their studies. The live broadcast industry is not as bright as expected. For online live broadcast, we should treat it rationally, choose carefully, make rational use of it, keep the bottom line, and be careful not to deviate from it. (Fu Biao)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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