Zhonggong Entertainment

Digital collection industry should focus on long-term thinking

Source: Economic Daily
2024-05-23 10:40

Original title: digital collection industry should focus on long-term thinking

Recently, the Leisure Fish Platform announced that the digital collection would be completely removed from the shelves, which attracted the attention of all parties. A few years ago, digital collections were very popular, and Internet giants, financial institutions, consumer goods enterprises, museums, cultural and sports event organizers, etc. have joined in one after another.

Since this year, topics such as "destroyed Tibetan players" and "playing with digital collections worth 500000 yuan to become electronic garbage" have hit the hot search for many times... There are illegal platforms that use digital collection transactions as a gimmick to carry out new financial fraud. On the black cat platform alone, there are more than 3000 complaints involving digital collections.

Today's dilemma stems from hidden dangers buried in the past. The relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, and the lack of supervision leads to the dislocation of development, which gives the lawbreakers an opportunity to take advantage of.

The industry has not yet found a development model that can form a closed loop. Formal platforms have made slow progress in exploring the combination of digital collections and new scenarios and applications. The circulation mode of digital collections is single, which makes it difficult to maintain the popularity for a long time, and the profit of the platform is limited. Without a win-win business model for the platform and users, the future of the industry cannot be talked about.

The speculative mentality of all participants is destroying the industry ecology. Short term profit seeking makes a considerable number of market participants deviate from the original intention of technology and industry. Issuers, platforms and collectors often pay more attention to the value-added and profitability of collections, ignoring their long-term value and artistry.

As a digital asset, digital collections are an important entrance to the metauniverse and an important part of promoting the development of the digital economy. By enabling entities, they also promote intellectual property protection, corporate marketing and cultural development and innovation. After the initial disorderly expansion, the future development of the digital collection industry must establish a long-term thinking.

At the regulatory level, it is necessary to solve the compliance problem of the digital collection industry. Relevant laws and regulations should be clarified as soon as possible, so that the industry can develop orderly within the regulatory framework, technology can play a positive role, and cultural resources and markets can be revitalized. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the filing and review of the platform and the issuer, strengthen the fight against related crimes, avoid illegal platforms from "bad money expelling good money", protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, and provide institutional guarantee for the long-term development of the industry.

At the industry level, business models that can support business logic should be explored as soon as possible. At present, the contradiction between supply and demand in the digital collection industry is prominent. The size of users and the amount of funds are far behind the speed of new product issuance. A large number of collections have broken down and their value has returned to zero. All major platforms should return to the user centered concept, build a reasonable value system and project ecology, and handle the withdrawal and transition of products. In addition, how to balance social and economic benefits, and how to take into account and balance the secondary market while preventing the financialization of digital collections is an urgent issue for the industry. Lin Wei

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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