Zhonggong Entertainment

"Wangong Queqiao Gathering Good Luck" Youth Workers Friendship Activity Held in Yingquan District, Fuyang City

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-21 14:32

CAMCE News On May 19, the "Magpie Bridge Gathering of Anhui Workers" youth workers' friendship activity was held in the Rose Garden Banquet Center in Yingquan District, Fuyang City, Anhui Province. 112 single employees from government agencies, enterprises and institutions directly under the district government participated in the activity. Zhang Wei, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress and Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event and delivered a speech.

"We hope that you can open your heart and burst out your passion, show yourself boldly on this stage, enhance friendship in communication and exchange, and harvest true feelings in in-depth understanding." Zhang Wei said that this activity aims to provide employees with a chance to make friends, and effectively build a positive, upward and healthy platform for young singles to make friends.

In the section of "style display", matchmaker will guide everyone to introduce themselves one by one, and everyone will gradually get to know each other from the initial strangeness. Then, during the "double balloon relay" and "song guessing contest", we became familiar with each other and interacted frequently. In the game of "sandbag throwing", the feelings of male and female employees are constantly warming up in close cooperation, pushing the warm atmosphere of the scene to a climax. After several rounds of games, the single men and women who have mutual intentions expressed their feelings to each other in the link of "Speak out boldly when you love". There were bursts of applause at the scene, and many guests held hands in a warm atmosphere.

In the next step, Yingquan District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to adhere to the work orientation of taking workers as the center, and work together to create a brand of young workers' marriage and friendship service of "Wangong Queqiao Gathering", provide a healthy friendship platform for single young workers in the whole district to open their hearts, show themselves, make friends, and sow love, and guide young workers to establish a correct concept of marriage and family, We will help attract and encourage ambitious young people and outstanding talents to take root in Yingquan and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of the region. (Contributed by Yingquan District Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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