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Chongqing Dadukou District Federation of Trade Unions held model worker commendation and propaganda activities

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-20 15:38

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Huang Shiqiang) On May 17, the Chongqing Dadukou District Federation of Trade Unions held a labor model commendation and propaganda activity of "China Dream · Labor Beauty", which was attended by more than 500 staff representatives.

At the activity site, first of all, the collective and individual who won the National May Day Labor Medal in 2024, Chongqing May Day Labor Medal, Chongqing May Day Labor Medal, and Chongqing Pioneer Worker were awarded medals and certificates.

Then, Liu Taizhong, the national model worker, Yang Pingyuan, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, Cheng Jiaqun, the Chongqing model worker, Wen Yueling, an advanced worker in Chongqing, and Tu Jianchuan, the winner of the Chongqing May Day Labor Medal, as speakers, shared their experiences and simple language, and practiced the spirit of model workers, labor spirit A vivid story of craftsmanship.

Five model workers and advanced workers came to the scene with continuous applause. The staff all said that they deeply felt the power of "ingenuity" by listening to their struggle stories. They will follow their example in future study and work, walk towards the light, build dreams with ingenuity, and live up to their youth!

According to the relevant person in charge of the Dadukou District Federation of Trade Unions, the Model Worker Group will continue to go deep into enterprises, schools and communities, extensively carry out the theme propaganda activities popular with the workers and the masses, promote the model worker spirit, labor spirit and craftsmanship spirit, and sing the theme of the times that labor is the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest and the most beautiful.

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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