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Chongqing Tongnan Public Security Bureau fully protects the "money bag" of the masses

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-20 15:12

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Huang Shiqiang, correspondent Tian Qian) Recently, more than 10 units, including the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the District Procuratorate of Tongnan District, Chongqing, jointly carried out the "5.15" campaign to combat and prevent economic crimes with the theme of "Economic Development, Economic Development, Investigation, Mind Mapping, Better Life".

At the event site, the staff publicized the laws and regulations related to combating economic crimes to the people in the area under their jurisdiction, exposed the criminal tactics and answered questions for the people by setting up publicity boards, distributing brochures, preaching typical cases on the site and focusing on the common types of economic crimes such as illegal fund-raising, pyramid selling, contract fraud, etc. The event received more than 200 inquiries from the masses and distributed more than 1000 brochures.

The relevant person in charge of Tongnan District Public Security Bureau said that through this publicity campaign, the awareness of the people in the area of jurisdiction to prevent themselves, consciously resist and actively report economic crimes has been effectively improved, and the "firewall" against fraud has been built. In the next step, we will continue to carry out publicity activities to enable the masses to have a more intuitive understanding and understanding of economic crimes, further improve the ability of the masses in the jurisdiction to identify and prevent economic crimes, and fully protect the people's "money pockets".

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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