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Use "service index" to build "satisfaction index" trusted by Sicheng

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-20 07:51

Original title: "satisfaction index" of DMC's trust built by "service index"

Worker's Daily - Huang Shiqiang, reporter of China Industrial Network, Li Jin, correspondent

The self-service toll collection robot is fast and convenient, greatly reducing the waiting time of drivers and passengers; Charging piles are all over the service area, effectively relieving "mileage anxiety"; The grape corridor in the characteristic service area brings the pleasure of picking for the drivers and passengers. These thoughtful service measures are a vivid manifestation of CCCC First Highway Engineering Group Chongqing Operation Regional Headquarters focusing on service quality and building a "satisfaction index" of the company with the "service index" rising.

Gong Tailong and Zhou Huan, a couple who work hard on the Jianglu North Line Expressway, have been engaged in intense and busy work since the line was put into operation in November 2023. Gong Tailong focuses on road safety maintenance to ensure the safety and smoothness of the driving environment; Zhou Huan sticks to the front line of charging and provides warm and considerate services for drivers and passengers passing by. Although they work in the same area, due to the particularity of their work and the surge of traffic during the Spring Festival, they can not meet many times every day.

On the afternoon of December 12 last year, when Gong Tailong was carrying out a track acquisition mission in the direction of Chongqing on the Jianglu North Expressway, he keenly noticed a sudden spontaneous combustion of a truck with a Chongqing A license plate. As a safety officer with ten years of experience, he quickly took action to appease the driver, start the plan, and notify the monitoring center... After eight hours of fighting, the fire was successfully extinguished, 12 tons of goods were safely transferred, and the road was restored.

Later, he made a short phone call with his wife Zhou Huan to share his joy. "Today, we handled a safety accident efficiently, and people also thanked me very much." Zhou Huan was also gratified after listening to this, and responded: "I heard that you worked hard!" Although the call between the two was short, it was full of understanding and support.

Then, they went to work separately. Gong Tailong drives an orange maintenance car for inspection, while Zhou Huan provides services for drivers and passengers at the sentry box. This couple is the epitome of the group's Chongqing operation regional team's efforts to be the "guardian" of safe travel.

"Please say slowly, what assistance do you need from us?" Recently, Zhang Yajing, the monitor of Jiuyong Monitoring Center in the operation area, hoarse, comforted the anxious driver in the opposite side with a warm voice, recorded the situation quickly in her hand, and when she hung up the driver's phone, she quickly dialed the number of rescue personnel in the corresponding area and methodically told the details, Quickly complete emergency disposal of emergencies.

Zhang Yajing said that during the holidays, the traffic flow of all roads under the jurisdiction of the regional headquarters continued to rise. In particular, Jiuyong Expressway, as the top three road section in Chongqing's traffic flow, often encountered a call for help from the driver, "Good advice, three winters are warm. I hope that if I take more calls, I can be more warm and help a driver."

The relevant person in charge of the operation team said that on holidays, the 23 toll booths and service areas of the regional headquarters will also provide warm services for drivers and passengers, such as hot porridge, hot water, ginger soup and vehicle repair tools. At the same time, the "driver's home" in Caojie service area also provides a warm rest place for passing drivers.

"The task is implemented at the front line, and the strength is gathered at the front line. The service of the operation team extends to wherever the needs of the majority of drivers and passengers are. We will continue to use considerate and warm services to win the satisfaction of drivers and passengers," said the person in charge.

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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