Zhonggong Entertainment

Huaibei, Anhui: Night Market Popularization

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-14 13:15

On May 13, the Economic Investigation Brigade of Xiangshan Branch of Huaibei Municipal Public Security Bureau, Anhui Province, jointly with the trade union in the area under its jurisdiction, carried out propaganda activities to combat and prevent economic crimes in the night market.


On May 13, the Economic Investigation Brigade of Xiangshan Branch of Huaibei Public Security Bureau, together with the trade union in the area under its jurisdiction, carried out propaganda activities to combat and prevent economic crimes in the night market. Photographed by Zhang Feng

The activity publicized the harm and preventive measures of economic crime to the citizens by issuing leaflets, placing publicity boards, consulting and explaining, so as to improve the awareness and ability of citizens to identify and prevent economic crime. (Zhang Feng)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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