Zhonggong Entertainment

Opening of the Second Air Volleyball Competition for Employees Directly under Chuzhou City, Anhui Province

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-14 07:27

CAMCE News On May 12, the second air volleyball match for employees directly under the municipal government of Chuzhou, Anhui Province, opened in the municipal stadium. The competition attracted 16 representative teams and more than 160 employees from municipal organs, enterprises and public institutions to participate in, and jointly staged wonderful sports feasts.


On May 12, the second air volleyball match for Chuzhou employees was opened. Courtesy of Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions

In the competition, the teams showed high morale and exquisite skills. After many rounds of competition, the team of Chuzhou Water Supply Company won the first prize. The delegation of Chuzhou Taxation Bureau and the delegation of Chuzhou University followed closely and won the second prize. In addition, the representative team of Anhui Chuzhou Technician College, the representative team of the People's Bank of China Chuzhou Central Sub branch and the representative team of ICBC Chuzhou Branch performed well and won the third prize. (Zhong Lanxu, Sun Limeng)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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