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The Worker's Daily editorial commented that the project with billions of yuan in approval has failed. Why can't the "landscape impulse" stop?

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-30 07:05

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

The original title: Why can't the "impulse to create scenery" stop when the project with billions of yuan of approval is not completed?

Worker's Daily - commentator of China Industrial Network Wu Di

To curb the local "landscape impulse", it is necessary to establish a serious accountability mechanism and release the signal that "disorderly decision-making will pay a price". The prerequisite for the popularity of culture and tourism is the survival of resources, which is far more than the construction of scenic spots. The resources here include not only the hardware facilities such as scenic spots, but also the supply of local culture and emotional values favored by tourists.

"To build the world's largest and highest level top fairy tale paradise", "the world's only imperial cultural zone"... According to the Xinhua Daily Telegraph on April 28, in recent years, some places want to build "Internet celebrity" cultural and tourism projects, but because of investment interruption, illegal land occupation and other reasons, the projects with billions of yuan and thousands of acres of planned land are often stranded, Some completed projects are largely idle and abandoned, and some local supporting subway stations have been built, but the theme parks are left behind... These half baked "image projects" and "achievements projects" have caused huge waste of resources.

The big project has been left unfinished, which makes people feel sad. There are many similar cases. For example, some places have weak comprehensive financial resources, but they have put forward the plan of "breaking the problem in one year, forming in two years, becoming brilliant in three years, and becoming famous in five years". They are willing to engage in cultural and tourism projects with heavy debts. After completion, there will be few tourists; In some arid areas, huge sums of money are spent to enclose lakes for landscaping, and the annual evaporation is equivalent to several West Lakes; In some places, the tourism resources are not prominent, and the local conditions are not satisfied after copying the model of other places, etc.

Admittedly, the project is uncompleted. There may be some changes in the middle and later stages of the project, but more of them are congenitally deficient. First, the malformed concept of political achievements is responsible. The "face project" can be seen and felt, which can quickly refresh the city image and produce "political achievements". Some places with insufficient financial resources are more likely to fall into the strange circle of "building more and more poor, building more and more poor". Second, some government enterprise cooperation deviated. Local governments intended to attract investment to strengthen the cultural and tourism industry, but they often fell into the old path of real estate development. According to media reports, many projects under the banner of culture and tourism are mainly invested and developed by real estate developers, who are inexperienced in the development and operation of culture and tourism, and inevitably break the capital chain. Third, the project qualification is not complete, but the "green light" is all the way. Some places, for some key projects, "open the way in the mountains and build bridges in the water", "open one eye and close one eye" in land use procedures, planning approval, and even "get on the train before buying tickets", laying many hidden dangers for subsequent development and operation.

All of these are old problems. The reason why the "landscape impulse" can't stop is that there is no need to "go around" - there is a lack of necessary accountability for some major decision-making mistakes and serious breaches. In reality, few relevant local government departments, leading cadres or enterprise leaders are responsible for the uncompleted "face project". On the contrary, in some places, there is even a strange phenomenon that "a few people get rich and the government pays the bill". Such "no responsibility without success, fame and wealth" will form negative incentives to a certain extent.

Development should be based on objective laws. The design of cultural and tourism projects is a technical and professional work. It is necessary to calculate the overall and long-term accounts. It is not necessary to rush forward and make decisions. Otherwise, money has been spent, land has been occupied, and nothing has been done, which will not only lead to financial waste and resource waste, but also a "face project" for local governments.

To curb the local "landscape impulse", it is necessary to establish a serious accountability mechanism and release the signal that "disorderly decision-making will pay a price". In recent years, relevant parties have made clear requirements to rectify the "achievements project", "face project" and other issues. It is expected that relevant parties will do a good job in implementing the rectification work.

In recent years, from Zibo barbecue, to "Erbin" ice and snow, to Tianshui spicy hot, the flow of "Splendid Fortune" is the real income of cultural tourism, which makes many places eager to try. But just for the sake of long-term and steady development, local governments must not ignore it. Development should be determined according to local conditions and cities.

"Zibo fire is barbecue, but not all barbecue". Practice has proved time and again that the prerequisite for the popularity of culture and tourism is the survival of resources, and far more than the construction of scenic spots. The resources here include not only the hardware facilities such as scenic spots, but also the supply of local culture and emotional values favored by tourists. Revitalizing the existing cultural and tourism resources and sorting out the successful passwords of those popular online cities have at least two connotations: first, "clean the house", tidy up the tables, chairs, benches, pots, pans and pans at home, that is, prepare various facilities, resources and services related to cultural and tourism; The second is to "invite guests in and stay", presenting the charm of special cuisine, history and culture, and local customs.

The purpose of exploiting cultural and tourism resources and developing cultural and tourism projects is to promote local economic and social development and enhance people's sense of gain and happiness.

Editor in charge: queen

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