Zhonggong Entertainment

Zhonggong's comments on seeing flowers, enjoying scenery and eating fresh spring food are just in time for "spring economy"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-19 16:30


Painting/Liu Qi Text/Song Huan

Seeing flowers, enjoying scenery, and eating fresh spring food, the spring consumption boom is gaining momentum, showing vitality, and continuing to release the strong momentum of the "spring economy". (Reported by People's Daily Online on April 16)

Spring is full of hope and vitality. Today, the full power of "Spring Economy" is not only the "face" of Spring, but also the new "flower" of consumption with new scenes and new experiences. Nanjing, Jiangsu Province has developed a series of activities integrating "agriculture, culture and tourism", such as appreciating plum blossom, picking strawberries and observing folk customs; Fujian Yong'an attracts nearly one million tourists by developing the path of "flower appreciation+history and culture"; Some businesses in Chengdu, Sichuan have set up hotpot in rape flower fields, and the experience of eating hotpot and appreciating flowers is unique... With flowers as the medium and festival as the driving force, cultural tourism in various places "show their own magic", so that people can feel the charm of traditional culture and rural fun while getting close to nature and relaxing. Promoting the integration of consumption scenarios through the "spring scenery" can make the "spring economy" more dynamic and stimulate more consumption momentum.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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