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Worker's Daily editorial | Improve the efficiency of potential safety hazard management and create a strong urban lifeline

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-18 07:11

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

Original title: Improve the efficiency of potential safety hazard management and create a strong urban lifeline

Worker's Daily - commentator of China Industrial Network Han Yunchao

Focus not only on the present, but also on the future; Not only brighten the image, optimize the style and features, pay attention to "visible brightness", but also strive to do a good job in risk prevention, provide security, strengthen "invisible protection", and take precautions, which is becoming the key word of many urban governance.

As heavy vehicles gather on a bridge, which may cause damage to the bridge, multiple monitoring devices installed on the bridge give an early warning. After receiving the early warning, the monitoring center immediately informs the municipal engineering management office and contacts the traffic police department to go to the site for evacuation. After 40 minutes, the bridge deck returned to normal traffic. According to the report of People's Daily on April 16, Hefei, Anhui Province, in recent years, relying on information technology, has implemented the construction of the urban lifeline project to achieve scientific monitoring of bridge safety, urban waterlogging, pipe network operation and other major urban safety issues. Security barriers built by digital means are guarding the lifeline of urban operation.

The lifeline of urban infrastructure refers to urban infrastructure, such as gas, bridges, water supply, drainage, heat supply, elevators, communications, rail transit, and utility tunnels, which are inseparable from urban functions and people's lives. Like nerves and blood vessels of the human body, they are important guarantees for the safe operation of the city and meeting the needs of people's production and life.

In recent years, major events such as bridge collapse, rainstorm flooding, pipe network leakage, inspection wells cannibalism and other major events that threaten urban public security have occurred in some places. When the city encounters extreme weather and natural disasters, and when the urban infrastructure is faced with aging and other problems, the ability of the infrastructure lifeline to ensure supply, smoothness, and security is crucial. It is related to the safety of people's lives and property, the resilience and development of the city, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of citizens.

This field has been facing many practical difficulties and problems. For example, the ownership of different urban infrastructure projects is complex and multiple departments intersect, resulting in poor governance synergy and low efficiency; The thinking of "valuing face over lining" has led to the difficulty of advanced technology support and slow application, and some problematic infrastructure has been "running with problems" for a long time; Routine inspection and patrol lead to untimely discovery of potential risks, which often leads to rectification and loopholes filling afterwards

In order to solve the above problems and transform urban safety governance from "invisible" to visible, from post investigation and handling to pre-warning, from passive response to active prevention and control, many hard core initiatives have been launched. For example, the safety operation monitoring center of urban lifeline project is established to realize "one screen, one network, one city"; Install a reliable "ECG monitor" for the viaduct; Simulate the real urban environment and set up the underground pipe network safety experimental platform in equal proportion; Install a gas detector with sensitivity of 0.1% in the gas well; Install pollution tracers with traceability time less than 30 minutes for urban water bodies, etc. Many places are building a comprehensive and efficient monitoring, early warning and disposal system to greatly improve the efficiency of urban security risk management.

This first benefited from the continuous progress and in-depth application of technical means. For example, relying on the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other information technologies, we can complete the construction of digital base maps to daily monitoring and disposal; Promote the operation of the lifeline of urban infrastructure through the establishment of a comprehensive urban infrastructure safety operation supervision platform; Set up a special industrial fund for urban safety, and build a "fund+industry" urban lifeline promotion model.

Secondly, it is inseparable from the improvement of governance concept and level. The lifeline safety project of urban infrastructure is an important part of urban renewal and new urban infrastructure construction. At present, from promoting the transformation of old residential areas, building complete communities, to the comprehensive coverage of the urban physical examination system; From the protection and inheritance of urban historic blocks and historic buildings to the construction of smart cities and smarter cities, a series of measures have been taken to make the city more livable and make urban life safer and more comfortable. Focus not only on the present, but also on the future; Not only brighten the image, optimize the style and features, pay attention to "visible brightness", but also strive to do a good job in risk prevention, provide security, strengthen "invisible protection", and take precautions, which is becoming the key word of many urban governance.

Improving urban resilience and enhancing anti risk ability is a major issue of modern urban construction management. The progress of urban infrastructure lifeline construction is one aspect of improving urban resilience. Its relevant experience is of great significance for coordinating urban safety and development, and running resilience thinking through urban planning, construction, management, renewal and other links.

"Urban development should not only consider the benefits of economies of scale, but also put ecology and security in a more prominent position, and coordinate the economic needs, living needs, ecological needs, and security needs of the urban layout." As the "invisible guardian" of the city, the life line project of urban infrastructure is closely related to urban development and people's security. It is expected that more places can, on the basis of summarizing and drawing on relevant experience and practices, take measures according to local conditions and cities to create a more resilient urban lifeline and "escort" urban development.

Editor in charge: queen

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