Zhonggong Entertainment

Spring in hometown (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-17 14:51

Spring in hometown

Author: Zhang Rudeng

Read aloud: Liu Renjie

After the continuous drizzle, the warm spring breeze brings the fragrance of the soil, the willow shoots out, the naughty spring swallows chirp under the eaves, and the bees fly slowly, a few days later. When the rice fields are full of seedlings, you can still hear the sound of frogs. The pink peach blossoms are red all over the mountain, the heavy pollen bends the delicate stamens, and the buds from the branches are hidden among the flowers... The spring of hometown comes quietly.

I often catch a glimpse of the Peach Blossom Garden in my dream, as if I were in a fairyland on earth. CRCC people may also pursue the fairyland in their dreams, the peace and innocence they have long lost.

Spring in my hometown is intoxicating. Not that kind of strong drunk, but light, fresh drunk. The spring breeze gently brushed my cheeks, just like the rough and powerful hands of the Railway Construction people, warm and real. The dew in the morning is crystal clear, like the sweat of CRCC people, small but full of power.

Peach blossom is the busiest time in hometown. Men, women, old and young all went out of their homes, laughing and laughing, which made a pleasant contrast with peach blossoms. At that time, the railway construction was in full swing, and the workers were sweating all night. They are like those blooming peach blossoms, offering silently, just to be persistent and persevering.

Spring in hometown is full of poetry and philosophy. The poetry is not only in the peach blossom, but also in the sweat and hard work of CRCC staff. Every drop of sweat is their love and contribution to their hometown. They moisten the earth like spring rain, and hasten all things like spring wind. They use their own hands to build the railway to their hometown, and also build the dreams and hopes of their hometown people.

Whenever the spring breeze blows over the railway line, the railway track seems to be whispering, telling the hard work and dedication of railway construction personnel. Those railway lines, like the ties between home and the distance, connect home and the outside world closely. And CRCC people are hard workers on these links.

Some people say that spring in hometown is short. Indeed, time flies. However, the persistence and dedication of CRCC people are as constant as spring. Their figures, like the falling peach petals, are short but eternal.

Today's hometown has crisscross railways and convenient transportation. All these things can not be separated from those dedicated CRCC people. They exchanged their sweat and youth for the prosperity and prosperity of their hometown.

Spring in hometown is the spring of CRCC people. They are like the blooming peach blossoms, which are short but beautiful. Their names and stories will forever be engraved on the land of their hometown and become eternal legends.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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