Zhonggong Entertainment

Unlimited Sorrow and Respect for Heroes (Read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-09 09:10

Unlimited mourning and respect for heroes

Author: Zhang Liyuan

Read aloud: Liao Yuan

Every Tomb Sweeping Festival, when the spring is strong, grass grows and birds fly, and fireworks are brilliant. This is somewhat in contrast to the people's yearning for the dead, but perhaps only in spring can we feel the value of life more deeply.

Qingming, a special day passed down from generation to generation, has experienced thousands of years, not only as a symbol of culture, but also as a heritage of blood. At Tomb Sweeping Day, we unloaded the heavy "golden thread clothing", took a pile of loess, and told our missing for the dead; During the Qingming Festival, we stood in the air and looked from afar, holding a bunch of flowers and quietly shed tears; Qingming, we grieve wantonly, in order to release ourselves on this day, and then set sail easily at the next dawn.

At this moment, the Tomb Sweeping Festival should be more mournful and dedicated to those heroes who have passed away.

During the revolutionary war, we could not have enjoyed the hard won peace and stability without their desperate efforts in the smoke of gunfire; Without their relentless pursuit of war, the gorgeous spring in our eyes would not be so bright and vivid. We silently accepted the spring sent by the heroes to our hands. How can we forget that they also expected the vision of "when the flowers are blooming, she will smile in the bushes". Several sunsets witnessed the green mountains of the motherland. The flames of war have gone away, and the spirit of heroes has not gone away.

Qingming, when there is a sad tribute to the pioneers who paved the road to peace for us, to the railway soldiers who buried their bones and mountains, and to countless revolutionary seniors, bow to them and salute them!

In the era of peace, we still cannot forget that it is the pioneers of the times who have devoted their blood to the cause of the motherland, the role models of the times who have contributed their youth and sweat to the modernization of the motherland, and the countless people with lofty ideals who have been silently persevering in their struggle like screws that have made today's China more prosperous and strong with their hands and wisdom throughout their lives. Many of them are willing to be paving stones for the development of China today. Qingming, when there is a touch of sorrow for them, they will always be our role model and strength on the way forward.

The strength of a country and the development of a nation need such pioneers, guides, builders and trendsetters. It is because of them that our steps towards spring are more forceful; It is because of them that our hearts can be more tenacious and fearless of wind and rain. Qingming, when there is a sad tribute to these heroes, their spirit is worth our inheritance, and their dedication is worth our eternal memory.

Green mountains never grow old, heroes never grow old; Green mountains never grow old, and heroes live forever!

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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