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Worker's Daily editorial | "Dummy" on duty? Life critical posts should not be fooled

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-04 07:28

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

Original title: "Dummy" on duty? Life critical posts should not be fooled

Wu Di, commentator of Workers Daily - China Industrial Network

In the fields related to public security, such as special equipment, food processing, water, electricity, gas and heating, medical and health care, it is the basic requirement to ensure public security for qualified people to act within the framework of safety regulations. It is hoped that all localities can take the case as a reference, draw inferences from one instance, scrutinize all kinds of "smart people" who "don't want to kill", put safety first, and make the vital posts "online" all the time.

According to the report of CCTV on March 29, recently, fire departments around the country found in special inspections that some units often ignored the attendant system and looked at safety as a joke. For example, an enterprise used a "dummy" model to replace the attendant in the fire control room. In order to achieve the effect of fake, chaos and authenticity, models were even given different clothes; The personnel on duty have no idea about the storage location and operation of the maintenance records of the fire-fighting facilities... Such acts leave the building in an undefended state, and once encountering a fire, the consequences are unimaginable.

The fire control room is a room equipped with an automatic fire alarm system in the building. It is an important prevention and command center to deal with fire and other emergencies. The on duty personnel have an important responsibility to find and deal with potential hazards in time and ensure the safety of people and property in the building. It is shocking that the relevant operators, regardless of public safety, play tricks on the rules and regulations and play "smart".

Unfortunately, this kind of situation is not an exception. Not long ago, a fire broke out in a nursing home in Beijing. It took 55 minutes from the smoke detector giving an alarm to the fire rescue center receiving a call for help. It was found through investigation that the staff in the fire control room deliberately stuck the silencer key of the central control host with a piece of paper. When a fire broke out, the alarm system was in a silent state. At the same time, a person on duty left his post without authorization, which led to the control room not giving an alarm in time.

Similar phenomena reflect many problems. For example, some units have weak links in the supervision of fire protection and other staff, which is easy to be exploited; The supervision methods such as taking photos and leaving marks, monitoring and inspection have played a certain role in restricting the operation in relevant fields, but sometimes they also ignore the accurate screening of the actual situation. "Dummies" take the job instead of real people, and fake certificates are hung on the wall, which are all potential safety hazards; Some units are accustomed to illegal operations from top to bottom, and have a serious fluke mentality of "going without accident"; The number of professional and technical personnel is insufficient, and the phenomenon of taking posts without certificates and operating against rules is repeatedly prohibited.

Failing to take safety regulations seriously and operating in violation of regulations will often lead to "being smart instead of being smart", which may not only threaten public safety, but may even expose the staff themselves to great risks. In March last year, a freight elevator in a commercial building in Shenzhen, Guangdong, broke down, and a maintenance personnel fell into the elevator shaft when troubleshooting alone in violation of regulations, and was squeezed and dragged to death by the elevator. If more than two people are required to work on the site according to relevant regulations, tragedy may be avoided.

The most effective way to eliminate the potential safety hazards caused by key posts' fooling is to urge relevant units to implement safety rules and regulations to the letter. In fact, in order to ensure that the safety rules and regulations play their due role, in recent years the relevant national departments and regions have been constantly improving the details, such as revising the safety production law, making it clear that the main person in charge of the production and business unit is the first person responsible for the safety production of the unit, carrying out a three-year special rectification action for safety production throughout the country, which has forced many enterprises to upgrade Improve the safety production system, etc.

The "dummy" work and other issues remind us that we must not underestimate the inertia of some people in the work comfort circle, and there should be more safety supervision measures for artificial fraud. Only by solving the problem of "people" can we solve the problem of safety. Information from the State Administration of Market Supervision shows that 80% of special equipment accidents are caused by illegal operations. Human resources and social security, trade unions, vocational schools, enterprises and other relevant parties should strengthen cooperation, strengthen the training of professional and technical practitioners, make up for the shortage of professionals, let professionals do professional things, use good money to drive out bad money, and improve the public safety coefficient.

Furthermore, in the fields related to public security, such as special equipment, food processing, water, electricity, gas and heating, medical and health care, it is the basic requirement to ensure public security for qualified people to act within the framework of safety regulations. It is hoped that all localities can take the case as a reference, draw inferences from one instance, scrutinize all kinds of "smart people" who "don't want to kill", put safety first, and make staff in jobs with vital lives "online" all the time.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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