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Worker's Daily editorial | Build 12351 hotline into a golden signboard for trade unions to serve workers

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-03-27 07:20

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

Original title: Build 12351 hotline into a golden signboard for trade unions to serve workers

Guo Zhengang, commentator of Workers Daily - China Industrial Network

The 12351 hotline is regarded as a new platform, a new carrier and an information source, making it a fast channel to efficiently solve the problems of employees' anxiety and anxiety, a front position to serve employees, and a "suggestion box" for trade unions to reflect social conditions and public opinions to government departments.

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on March 25, last October 9, Nanning Federation of Trade Unions received the urgent help from Liang, who was assigned by the 12351 Trade Union Service Staff Hotline from the Federation of Trade Unions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Liang claimed that he was injured while working in a property service company in Nanning, and the company refused to pay the medical fees, and he also cancelled the contract during his hospitalization. In the absence of labor relations between Liang and the property company, Nanning General Manager launched a multiple linkage mediation mechanism for labor and personnel disputes. Through various efforts, he solved Liang's difficulties and helped him get occupational injury compensation. Recently, Liang expressed his gratitude for the help of 12351 hotline through WeChat.

The workers have their voice, and the trade union has its answer. The above example is a microcosm of many 12351 trade union service hotline service scenarios, showing the pragmatic service concept, convenient service mechanism and efficient service quality. From a cross section, the society can see the efforts and pursuit of trade unions at all levels to provide workers with perceptible and accessible services.

Focusing on the main responsibility, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers with heart and feelings, and serving the masses of workers wholeheartedly are the meaning of the title of the trade unions at all levels to perform the basic responsibility of safeguarding rights and services, and also the purpose of 12351 trade union service hotline for workers. Under the guidance of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, local trade unions, in line with local conditions, built on the needs of local resources and workers, learned from the mature experience of the operation of various hotlines, and with the help of the cooperation and empowerment of various forces, constantly explored and formed many new practices and achieved many new results.

First, take it as a new platform to make it a fast way to efficiently solve the problems of employees' anxieties. For example, the 12351 hotline of the Beijing Labor Union implements the workflow of "acceptance - dispatch - handling - response - feedback - return visit" and the working mechanism of "365 days, 7 × 24 hours" all year round to ensure that employees are "responsive".

Second, take it as a new carrier and make it the front position of serving employees. For example, the 12351 hotline of Shandong Labor Union has built a general hub for integrated acceptance. It has taken a multi pronged approach to promote the settlement of employees' demands and provide employees with "one-step" services.

Third, take it as an information source and make it a "suggestion box" for trade unions to reflect social conditions and public opinions to government departments. For example, the 12351 hotline of the Shanghai Trade Union not only answers employees' demands, but also provides consultation, explanation, assistance services, coordination and assignment to matters raised by the 12345 Citizen Hotline and other channels. A hotline has built a "bridge" between employees and the trade union.

With the continuous evolution of new technologies, new business types and new models, new situations and new problems in the field of labor relations have emerged one after another. Employees' demands are not limited to the protection of labor economic rights and interests, but are extending to a broader and more diversified field, which puts forward many new requirements and tasks for 12351 hotline. For example, the number of workers in new forms of employment continues to increase, and workers have put forward new requirements for rights protection, democratic management, etc. The 12351 hotline needs to strengthen the intelligent data analysis function to provide more targeted reference for trade unions and relevant departments to make decisions; The new generation of employees have strong attachment to intelligent tools, and there is no obvious boundary between working hours and rest time. The time for answering the demands of 12351 hotline is necessary to adapt to this change, ensure the unblocked rate of answering and improve the handling efficiency, etc.

How to solidly carry out the "12351+" special action to solve the urgent problems of the staff and workers, manage and make good use of the 12351 trade union service staff hotline, and gradually realize the integration with the petition work, trade unions at all levels need to actively respond to the changes of the times, labor relations, and staff demands, constantly expand the service area of the 12351 hotline, and improve the service efficiency of the hotline, Improve the intelligence of the hotline.

12351 hotline bears the responsibility of trade unions at all levels to fulfill their basic responsibilities and contribute to the high-quality development of the economy and society. It is expected that trade unions at all levels will continue to explore and innovate in managing and making good use of the 12351 trade union service hotline for workers, build it into a golden brand for trade unions to serve workers, make trade union services reach workers' hearts, and improve workers' sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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