Zhonggong Entertainment

The poor quality lithium battery as "time bomb" in the ITV review should be withdrawn

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-03-26 15:58

In recent years, fire accidents caused by electric bicycles have occurred frequently. In 2023, the National Fire and Rescue Bureau will report 21000 electric bicycle fires. Data shows that problems such as single battery failure are important reasons for electric fire of electric vehicles.

Why are there so many problems with electric bicycle batteries? In recent years, it has become a general trend for lithium batteries to replace lead-acid batteries, and some low-quality lithium batteries take this opportunity to flow into the electric bicycle market. These low-quality lithium batteries are usually assembled and produced by some unqualified small workshops. Their manufacturing process is simple and rough, and the materials used are generally lithium batteries eliminated by electric vehicles or B-class products of power battery manufacturers. These batteries, which have potential safety hazards for a long time, are likely to become "time bombs" that threaten people's lives and property safety, and then cause fires. How to prevent these batteries from entering the market and prevent them from "burning" is a problem worthy of in-depth consideration.

First of all, we should improve the safety and quality requirements of lithium batteries for electric bicycles from the technical specifications, and prevent low-quality lithium batteries from entering the market. At present, many places have formulated local technical standards for lithium battery safety. It is reported that the mandatory national standard Safety Technical Specification for Lithium Ion Batteries for Electric Bicycles, drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, is also scheduled to be released this year, which will effectively fill the gap in the national level technical basis. It is expected that after the introduction of this standard, the industry will be promoted to a higher standard and safer direction from the source.

Secondly, we should speed up the improvement of the recycling system of waste lithium batteries and reduce the possibility of waste batteries flowing into substandard factories and small workshops. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve relevant systems and policies, raise the threshold of access for the recycling of waste lithium batteries, and establish standardized recycling channels; On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen supervision, and strictly investigate and crack down on places with incomplete qualifications and illegal operations. Such a two pronged approach is conducive to promoting the standardized recycling of waste lithium batteries and reducing the risk of their remaining in the market.

In addition, consumers should also improve their safety awareness and do not modify electric bicycles in violation of regulations. In daily life, if any business selling low-quality lithium batteries or providing illegal modification services is found, it should be reported in a timely manner to do its part to eliminate such potential safety hazards.

Too many lessons have been learned from blood, so that poor quality lithium batteries all fast Exit ”, Exclude these“ no Time bomb " Need more Square resultant force common cure So, Electric bicycles around us can Geng An All round driving, more secure to use

Editor in charge: Li Jiayu

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