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Worker's Daily editorial | "Precision drip irrigation" reflects the responsibility of continuously optimizing the business environment

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-03-19 07:11

[Editorial Review of Workers' Daily]

The original title: "Precision drip irrigation" reflects the responsibility of continuously optimizing the business environment

Worker's Daily - commentator of China Industrial Network Han Yunchao

It is expected that relevant parties can continue to practice "embroidery skills", send policies to quench their thirst, provide services to their hearts, support the sustainable and healthy development of individual businesses, and bring more vitality and vigor to the market economy.

According to the report of the People's Daily on March 17, since April 2023, the State Administration of Market Supervision has deployed a pilot program of targeted assistance policies for individual businesses in 12 provinces. Up to now, more than 150000 "famous, special, excellent and new" individual businesses have been pilot cultivated. This year, the State Administration of Market Supervision will comprehensively organize the identification of "famous, special, excellent and new" individual businesses, which can enjoy more targeted cultivation and incentive policies.

Fishery shops, pastry shops, department stores, clothing stores... Nowadays, individual businesses are all over the streets, which are indispensable to people's daily life and an important part of the market economy. They play an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting employment, and benefiting people's livelihood. Data shows that by the end of 2023, there are 124 million registered self-employed businesses nationwide, accounting for 67.4% of the total number of business entities, supporting nearly 300 million people in employment.

In reality, the development level and interest demands of individual businesses of different types and scales are different - clothing stores that have just opened may prefer cheaper rent to further reduce operating costs and survive successfully; The characteristic restaurants inherited by several generations of the family may be thinking about how to smoothly transform into enterprises, open stores in more places, and strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of dishes' secret recipes... Accurately meet the needs of different individual businesses, and avoid falling into the widespread help of "everyone gives candy", which has gradually become a trend and consensus.

Now, the relevant departments have issued a series of policy documents, focusing on individual businesses to carry out classified support and cultivation. On the basis of classifying individual businesses into "survival type", "development type" and "growth type" and implementing targeted support, they have carried out the selection and identification of four categories of "famous, special, excellent and new" (famous, characteristic, high-quality and emerging) individual businesses, And provide differentiated service measures in terms of funds, training, loans, honors, etc. for each type.

This year's government work report proposed to strengthen classified support for individual businesses. The purpose of cultivating "famous, special, excellent and new" individual businesses from pilot to comprehensive development is to combine the actual development of individual businesses, strengthen the accuracy, pertinence and scientificity of policy support, and let individual businesses feel the real policy dividends. This practice of not flooding irrigation, but precise drip irrigation, and better applying the "fat" of the assistance policy to the "root" of the development of individual businesses is a reflection of the refinement of social governance, and also reflects the responsibility and responsibility of the government departments to continuously optimize the business environment.

In fact, some places that try first have achieved positive results. For example, Shanxi has customized the "business friendly insurance" program for individual businesses, including property loss, personal injury and death of employees and other insurance types, to effectively play the "shock absorber" and "stabilizer" role of insurance in the development of individual businesses; Zhejiang tailors professional service programs such as quality, standards, brands, and intellectual property rights for individual businesses, carries out vocational skills training, and formulates a new policy of "individual to enterprise"; Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, has established the first research center for the development of individual businesses in China. In 2023, it will cultivate 1409 "famous, special, excellent and new" households

In recent years, relevant departments have done a lot of work to support and ensure the survival and development of individual businesses - the continuous reform of "decentralization, regulation and service" has greatly improved the convenience and efficiency of individual businesses in handling licenses; The market supervision department strengthened the law enforcement of anti-monopoly and anti unfair competition, continued to rectify all kinds of arbitrary charges, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of individual businesses, and jointly with relevant departments, carried out the national "Individual Business Service Month" activity every year. Today, a series of policies of type based assistance and cultivation have further enriched the "policy combination", which is consistent with the ideas and practices of the state for supporting, encouraging and guiding the development of individual businesses for many years.

From nothing to existence, from existence to excellence; There is no best, only better - I believe that as the policy dividends enjoyed by individual businesses continue to be precise and refined, more individual businesses will find their way, create their brand and live out their appearance through innovative products, optimizing services, improving quality and other ways, thus injecting new impetus into high-quality economic development. Behind hundreds of millions of self-employed businesses is the livelihood of families and the people's livelihood. In a sense, to ensure the stable development of individual businesses is to guard the human fireworks in the streets and lanes and the happy life of the masses of the people.

Small and beautiful century old stores, specialized and refined characteristic brands, excellent and new business models... More and more individual businesses are constantly refreshing public awareness with their own performance and strength. It is expected that relevant parties can continue to practice "embroidery skills", send policies to quench their thirst, provide services to their hearts, support the sustainable and healthy development of individual businesses, and bring more vitality and vigor to the market economy.

Editor in charge: queen

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