Zhonggong Entertainment

Listen to the full version of the model worker's radio drama The Brightest Star in the Night Sky!

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-29 15:12

In order to give full play to the exemplary and leading role of model workers and craftsmen, and vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, the Hubei Federation of Trade Unions, together with Hubei Radio and Television Station Traffic Radio (FM92.7


The Brightest Star in the Night Sky vividly and meticulously restores the touching scenes of Hu Hongwei's dedication to "accomplish one thing in one lifetime", fearing no danger, intruding into the forbidden area of human beings, becoming the first person in the world for ± 800 kV UHV live line work, sticking to his post, rushing to repair the line against the wind and rain after the tornado, and guarding the lights of thousands of homes with passion, It shows the spirit and style of the times of the power industry workers in the new era who love the party, love their posts, are diligent in struggle, and have the courage to create.

The play adopts a parallel structure of main line, deputy line and branch line. The whole play is solemn and humorous, with ups and downs. It truly reproduces the daily work scene of the workers in the power industry, and their responsibility to actively serve the economic and social development of Hubei Province. It shows the lofty spirit of workers in the new era: love their jobs, love and help each other, be willing to contribute, forge ahead, and forge ahead.

Watch the plot

Note: The dialogue is an extract

Scene 1: Cutting down trees

The first confrontation of the three heroes serves as an introduction to the relationship between the characters and the main contradictions

Uncle Chen: Who is there?

Superman: Uncle Chen, it's me.

Hu Dawei: (Sorry) Uncle, it's bothering you

Uncle Chen: (Helpless) It's you two again! Why, do you want to cut down my tree in the middle of the night?

Hu Dawei: Uncle, we are repairing the circuit. Since the transformation of the power grid, the power consumption of residents is almost overloaded. In order not to affect everyone's normal life, we can only choose to repair in the early morning when the residents' power consumption is low.

Superman: Yes, we are repairing the line. We won't cut down trees today! Don't magnify it again. Look at my electrician suit. If you bite me again, it will be changed into big underpants!

Uncle Chen: Humph! If I don't let the dog out, you will have to cut down my tree!

Hu Dawei: (patient) Uncle Chen! You see, these trees in your yard are growing taller and taller, and they are approaching the tower line. Also, the ceiling of your room is close to the tree. There are many thunderstorms in this season. If you hang wires, the tree will become a conductor, which will cause current leakage and electric shock accidents. Uncle, this tree needs to be cut back!

Act II: value

The first dialogue between Hu Dawei and Little Superman shows the importance of the State Grid as a major power and a central enterprise, and Hu Dawei's sense of responsibility, identity and pride in this job.

Hu Dawei: Hey, why do they call you Superman?

Superman: My parents named me Xiao Chaochao. Since I was a child, I have always liked heroes and superman movies. There is a line (exaggerated, the tone of the film translation): Ah, superman will appear in the face of fear, danger and failure.

Hu Dawei: (Laughter) Good reading. Little Superman, do you know why our State Grid can become the first Chinese enterprise among the top 500 in the world?

Superman: Hmm... My partner asked me that too! I said that if one day the State Grid will not supply power to you, your mobile phone will not be able to play, the air conditioner will not be able to turn on, the drama will not be able to catch up, and the city will be plunged into darkness... My object said that it would be the end of the world.

Hu Dawei: (Laughter) The State Grid can not only provide stable power for more than one billion Chinese people on 9.6 million square kilometers of land, but also provide more advanced power supply technology and equipment for other countries with the help of overseas markets. Electric power is the lifeblood of the national economy and the driving force "heart" of modern industry. We are like surgeons. Climbing mountains, cutting down trees and digging out birds' nests are equivalent to operating on capillaries on the heart. Our work should not only look up to the sky, but also be down-to-earth. Do you think such work is valuable?

Superman: (Insight) Emma, or Big Viagra, your level is high! After what you said, it's a big deal! Next time I ask her mother, I will tell her so!

Act III: Mobilization

The mobilization meeting for live line work of ± 800 kV UHVDC transmission is a space for describing the important deeds of the master princess.

leader: (Reverberation of the conference) Comrades, the national "12th Five Year Plan" development plan has strengthened the project of "± 800kV UHVDC live line work". Once this project is successful, it means that China will master the world's highest voltage transmission line maintenance technology. In another 150 days, this test will be held in Beijing, and the State Grid has decided to hand it over to the live working class of Hubei Maintenance Center to complete, which is a great trust to Hubei Electric Power! It is also the great honor of Hubei Electric Power! Today's mobilization meeting is held. I hope that we will follow the innovative spirit of "daring to be the first in the world" and the spirit of sacrifice, especially young comrades. I hope you can bravely overcome difficulties and actively sign up

(There is a lot of noise)

± 800kV, no one in our country has tried it yet!

Alas, you said that if it succeeds, it will be equivalent to a world champion!

Superman: Big Viagra, your technology is the best here. You must go to Beijing!

Hu Dawei: Superman, I remember that this is the direction you studied for your master's degree. How about it? Here comes the opportunity to reflect the value! Dare to sign up?

Superman: All the workers selected this time are experienced and excellent. Am I... OK?

Hu Dawei: How can it not be? Even those with experience and excellent performance start from the grass-roots teams! Have confidence in yourself!

Superman: However, UHV live working has always been a forbidden area in the world!

Hu Dawei: What's wrong with the restricted area of the world? How many forbidden areas in the world are not all broken out by us Chinese! How many Chinese workers and enterprises have created the number one in the world! In the past, some technology applications and new field development were just paper topics, blueprints and ideas, such as ultra-high voltage. With the efforts of our electric people, they have almost become reality.

Superman: Well, Big Viagra, I'll listen to you... I'll sign up!

Act IV: Ideal

The second dialogue between Hu Dawei and Little Superman describes the great changes in Little Superman's working attitude, and reflects the positive impact of Hu Dawei's model spirit and labor spirit on successors.

Superman: I didn't expect that, Big Viagra, you also counseled!

Hu Dawei: At that time, I also thought that I was not born to do this... But I think, I am a veteran, and I can't humiliate the soldiers! I will tell myself that if one of your feet has stepped on this line, you can only go forward, not turn back. This person, when you have no way out, you can concentrate on facing the current difficulties and force yourself to go all out to meet the challenges.

Superman, look down, you are at the top of the tower now!

Superman: (Incredible) Emma... I... I climbed up

Hu Dawei: Yes, Superman... You did it

Superman: (Echo of the cry) Oh, ho ho ho ho... My name is Xiao Chaochao... Superman will appear in the face of fear, danger and failure.

(Hu Dawei and Xiaosuperman laugh)

Superman: Big Viagra, for so many years, you climb the tower and walk the line every day, so dangerous and hard work, what do you want?

Hu Dawei: You see, the blue sky and white clouds are on our heads, the silver line of the iron tower is on our feet, the beautiful mountains and rivers are in front of us, and the picture is to guard thousands of lights. I am willing to work for a lifetime!

Act Five: Tornado

The most intense rhythm and atmosphere of the whole article.

Uncle Chen: (The wind blows the door open) The storm is coming! I've lived for a long time, and I've never seen such a strong wind before

Aunt Chen: (Coughing) Old man, quickly change your clothes. You are soaked!

Uncle Chen: It's OK. I'll find something to cover the wheat first.

(The wind blows open the window glass, rattling and breaking)

Aunt Chen: Come on, old man, close the window.

Uncle Chen: The wind is too strong to hold the window! I'll go and top the door.

(The wind whines and the dog barks. The roof tiles are clattering down and the rain pours down.)

Aunt Chen: Rain, the rain is pouring in!

Uncle Chen: It's broken. The strong wind tore a hole in the roof! Watch out for falling tiles, old lady! Get under the bed!

Act VI: Understanding

The plot shows Hu Dawei's family's understanding and dedication, which reflects Hu Dawei's model worker spirit and labor spirit.

Hu Dawei: Director, I request to end my vacation and participate in the first-line rescue together with the comrades of the Party Service Team.

Director: approval! Now start the emergency plan, and I will immediately contact the emergency vehicle to prepare for the loading of emergency equipment; Dawei, you should quickly gather the members of the Party member service team and lead them to the emergency repair site; The information of nearby line patrol inspectors is fed back to the group at the first time. The weather is very bad now, so the team members and line patrol inspectors must pay attention to safety.

Hu Dawei: Yes, I will implement it immediately. (Hang up the phone)

(Switch to sorry tone)

Hu Dawei: Daughter in law... I have to

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: (familiar) As long as the organization needs, you have to be on call!

Hu Dawei: Sorry

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: (Narration) Disaster is the order, and power protection is the responsibility!

Hu Dawei: (Laughter) You know it all

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: When disaster comes, you must be the rebel in the crowd; As a Party member, you must fight in the front line when you are needed.

Hu Dawei: (Moved and ashamed) Daughter in law

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: (Relieved smile) Now the victims need you more than I do.

Hu Dawei: Mmm. Well... I'm leaving. (Door opening sound)

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: Alas, do not leave until you have eaten some rice

Hu Dawei: It's too late! Time is tight and task is heavy!

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: Dawei, pay attention to safety. It's the old rule. No matter what time, report safety when you get off the tower

Hu Dawei: Ah

Act 7: Rescue

The plot is Hu Dawei's emergency repair line against the wind and rain after the tornado, reflecting Hu Dawei's rigorous work quality and dedication.

(Rain sound superposition)

Team member B: The road is muddy, and the tyres of the repair vehicle have been slipping

Hu Dawei: Brothers, come on, give me a push...... 123, come on! 123……

Team member B: No, Dawei. The on-site environment is too complicated, I'm afraid the car can't get through

Hu Dawei: How far is it from here to the next emergency repair site?

Team member B: About... 2 kilometers away!

Hu Dawei: Go! Carry the tools!

Team member B: Carry... carry on? I'm afraid the tools are 200 jin faster!

Hu Dawei: Come on, put the machine on my shoulder... Hey!

(The footsteps on the way gasp)

Team member B: (gasping) Dawei, take a rest.

Hu Dawei: There can be no delay. The disaster situation is more serious than we expected, and we must let the affected people restore power to their homes as soon as possible.

(The sound of rain is getting smaller)

Team member A: Dawei, the rain has stopped for the time being, and the site environment meets the live working conditions.

Hu Dawei: OK, climb the tower immediately to eliminate defects with electricity.

Team member A: Dawei, you have assigned each of us the task of eliminating defects in one tower, and you have assigned four towers yourself. Can you bear it?

Hu Dawei: It's OK. I'm in good health and can carry it!

Narrator: Needless to say, Hu Dawei took the lead in going up to the tower, wearing thick live working shielding clothes, and after 105 minutes of high-intensity high-altitude work, his physical strength was seriously exhausted. After going down from the tower, he sat on the ground and rested for nearly half an hour before regaining his consciousness.

Act 8: Test

The plot is Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law's production and Hu Dawei's challenge to the positive and negative 800 kV test, reflecting Hu Dawei's spirit of model worker, labor and craftsman.

Female voice: Count down the positive and negative 800 kV test for 3 minutes.

doctor: Take a deep breath... Relax... Let's do it again

Hu Dawei's daughter-in-law: Um... I'm ready

Superman: Big Viagra, ready.

Hu Dawei: (Interphone) entering equipotential

(Zigzag current sound)


(The baby cries loudly)

doctor: The child is out! Safe mother and son!

(Warm cheers, applause)

Public voice: succeed!

Superman: We succeeded!

Hu Dawei: (Reverb) Daughter in law, we succeeded! Our State Grid has succeeded!

(transition vocal reverberation)

reporter: succeed! The world's first live working test of plus or minus 800 kV UHV transmission lines succeeded! The forbidden area that no one dares to break in the world has been broken by our Chinese people today! Ladies and gentlemen, let's give warm applause to our heroes! They are the warriors of the second live shift of the transmission maintenance center of the State Grid Hubei Maintenance Company: Hu Dawei, Xiao Chaochao, Liu Jiaqi

Act 9: Release

The story is that Uncle Chen actively cooperates in cutting down trees, and Hu Dawei's dedication finally moves people around.

Aunt Chen: Dawei, come and see!

Hu Dawei: Good guy... Aunt, there are so many woods

Uncle Chen: (relieved) The tree has been cut down! I cut it myself! In order to cure your aunt, these trees have become a common "heart disease" for you and me. Well done, well done!

Aunt Chen: Yes, the tree should have been cut down! If it were not for you, maybe we would suffer this time! Once the tree is cut down, the hidden danger of electricity safety is cut down. You are going to die for us, thinking about us all the time. We can't just focus on ourselves.

Uncle Chen: The public has also come, and has given us compensation for tree cutting and post disaster resettlement fees. Thanks to you, the money for your aunt's treatment is also available.

Aunt Chen: Little Superman, look, this wood is reserved by your uncle for your wedding furniture. Dawei, your uncle is going to make a crib for your baby.

Prototype Introduction

Hu Hongwei, male, the leader of the second shift of live working in the transmission maintenance center of the State Grid Hubei Extra High Voltage Company, and the first person in the world for ± 800kV UHV DC live working. The expert who enjoys the special allowance of the provincial government has won the honors of "National Model Worker", "National Most Beautiful Worker", "National Young Position Expert", etc.

Since joining the work in 2000, Hu Hongwei has always stuck to the front line of ultra-high voltage operation, maintenance and repair. He crossed mountains and mountains, climbed towers and laid lines, eliminated defects and ensured electricity. He has traveled 9670 kilometers of ultra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage lines in Hubei, and has successively assisted live line operations in Guangdong, Anhui, Guangxi, Guizhou and other provinces. He has climbed more than 10000 iron towers in total, and laid more than 1300 kilometers of overhead lines, More than 12000 kilometers of ground patrol inspection and more than 1900 hours of live work.

Hu Hongwei is down-to-earth and diligent in thinking. By constantly exploring the application of new technologies and equipment in the field of ultra-high voltage live working, he led the team to develop a batch of intelligent products, such as ultra-high voltage self cooling new shielding clothing, insulator zero value automatic detection device, and so on. In order to solve the problem of manual replacement of single strain insulator of UHV line, in 2023, he led the team to develop a live replacement robot for UHV strain insulator.

Creative staff


Uncle Chen: Lu Yu

Aunt Chen, target mother: Zhu Mingyue

Little Superman: Faye Wong

Hu Dawei: Lu Yu

Target of Superman: Yu Lina

Hu Dawei's wife: Feng Yue

Master, director, leader, narrator: Liu Jiang

Host, reporter: Wei Jian

(Source: WeChat official account of Hubei Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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