Zhonggong Entertainment

See persimmon red again (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-14 08:40

See persimmon red again

Author: Wang Xiaoli

Read aloud: Xue Jianying

After the frost falls, the autumn is very strong, and the persimmons are red.

My colleagues and I went to the construction site to collect wind. From a distance, we saw two persimmon trees near the construction site, one after another, like small red lanterns dotted with branches. Under the warm sun, the persimmons looked particularly crystal clear, beautiful and eye-catching.

In the north, persimmon trees can be seen everywhere, either in patches or in fields, in front of and behind houses, or in mountain paths. "White dew beats walnuts, and frost falls to pick persimmons". In late autumn, the autumn wind turns the leaves yellow, the maple leaves turn red, and the lovely persimmons turn from green to yellow, slowly turning red and ripe, becoming a beautiful landscape, reflecting the endless mountains in late autumn, which is the unique autumn charm of the mountain villages.

It's late autumn and persimmons are red. A taste of ripe persimmons is sweet to the heart. Standing under the tree, looking up at the persimmons full of trees, a joy of harvest came to my heart. The fiery persimmons are round and solid, making people happy, revealing a sense of joy and enthusiasm. They not only decorate the scenery in late autumn, but also set off the hot construction site, and more comforted the laborious railway construction people.

After work, the workers looked up and saw a tree full of vitality and passion. Unconsciously, his eyes brightened, his heart warmed, and his subordinates worked more vigorously. After work, the workmates ate sweet persimmons, made a phone call, shared a video, talked about the recent situation, and told their families about their long accumulated homesickness. They hoped that everything would be "persimmon" safe and "persimmon" good.

Winter comes and goes, spring goes and autumn comes. Every time I go to the construction site, I can't help but look at the two persimmon trees, from bare branches to luxuriant foliage, from small flowers and bones to persimmons hanging all over the branches. The persimmon tree takes root there without moving, guarding the mountain day and night, and also witnessed the construction of the power station.

Like these two persimmon trees, the builders of the power station are working deep in the hinterland of the mountain, fighting against the heat and cold. Under the heatwaves, they are busy and determined. The stars are changing, and they are persistent and unrepentant. They made bones with steel bars and shaped with concrete, from the initial construction of homes and lines to the construction of projects in full swing; From the barren mountains and wastelands to the magnificent transformation today, this power station has become better and more beautiful as expected.

From spring to autumn, through wind and rain, persimmons brew sweet and sweet in time. CRCC people build with ingenuity, build dreams with quality, outline the outline of the power station, and draw a new blueprint for the development of new energy step by step among the mountains covered with sand and stones. In the near future, it will add a "green power bank" to Qilu, illuminating the beautiful life in the future.

It was another year of persimmon red. I picked up the camera and pressed the shutter to keep this beautiful moment. In another year, when the lights illuminate thousands of homes, the persimmons will be red and life will be sweet.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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