Zhonggong Entertainment

Crossing the canyon (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-07-31 07:43

Cross a gorge

Author: Zhang Ziyao

Read aloud: Wei Yongheng

Guizhou, the only province without plains in China, is crisscrossed by high mountains and deep valleys. It is conceivable how difficult it is to build a bridge in this place where the ground is not three miles flat.

The mountain blocks the road, but can not hinder the enthusiasm of exploration.

Here, a 145.5 km north-south extension line of Weng Ma Railway is under intense construction. It is a complex and dangerous mountain railway in karst areas, and also a road to promote the development of phosphorus chemical industry in areas along the line.

The line is crisscrossed with ravines, high mountains and deep valleys, crossing Banbu River, Weng'an River, Wujiang River, Xiangjiang River and other rivers. The geology is complex, the proportion of bridges and tunnels is large, and there are many high-risk construction sites... In the face of a technical problem, railway builders carry out scientific and technological research, break through a number of world-class and national mountain bridge design problems, and let the world's mountain "bridge museum" add new members.

The Xiangjiang River Bridge crosses the Xiangjiang River valley, and the slopes on both sides of the valley vary greatly. The design team adopts a double main span partial cable-stayed bridge according to local conditions. The main pier is set on the gentle bank slope, with a height of 164.5 meters. It is the world's highest pier railway bridge, and also the longest railway partial cable-stayed bridge in China.

The Wujiang River Grand Bridge crosses the Wujiang River Valley, which was once famous for the Red Army's dangerous crossing of the Wujiang River. On both sides of the canyon, there are steep rocks, which are more than one hundred feet high. Next to the dangerous beach, the river roars. It was once said that "Qiao Su dare not look at him, and apes worry about climbing".

In order to compare and select the bridge location of the bridge, the design team surveyed the scope of nearly 100 square kilometers from Weng'an County up and down the Wujiang River, and determined the final location of the bridge after repeated geological surveys and comparison and selection studies. During the exploration, the local villagers led the way enthusiastically. In steep places, they went first and cut a path with a firewood knife. The designer grabbed the bush hand in hand to climb up.

It is a challenge to build bridges in mountainous areas, but the spirit of the people of Guizhou to dare and try has deeply infected the bridge designers. They integrate the revolutionary spirit of the "Red Army Long March" into the bridge design, and serve the people in the old area's yearning for a better life.

Follow the Long March again to explore Guizhou.

Extend Wengma Line and unite Zunyi City.

Through thousands of layers of rocks, 100000 tracks were laid.

It is cantilevered across the two banks, and the flying rainbow reflects the sky.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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