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I have never been so attached to the world (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-07-24 13:26

I have never been so attached to the world

Author: Yang Jinjin

Read aloud: Tian Fangfang

I found this book by accident. The name of the book was completely opposite to my mood at that time. I didn't hesitate to take it home, hoping that it would bring me back to reality from my bad mood. This book contains nearly 50 masterpieces of many well-known writers. They have different writing styles, but they all use their pen tips to record their own pyrotechnic atmosphere. The articles are very clear, without gorgeous words. Ordinary stories reveal respect, fear and love for life everywhere. They are calm and beautiful, which makes people tremble.

The true happiness of life is in this book.

It told me to live well and interestingly. Reading "The World", it is easy to find the motivation of Shi Tiesheng's hard life: a dozen old classmates raised money to buy a rickshaw for him, a neighborhood made spring beds for him, a neighbor's grandmother made cotton pants for him, and farmers in northern Shaanxi sent food stamps to Beijing Too much warmth and encouragement pulled him back from death. Nevertheless, for Shi Tiesheng, who is plagued with diseases, living is still a very difficult thing. Mother likes flowers and always wants to push him to see the flowers in Beihai. But after his legs were paralyzed, he was irritable and did not want to go out. He often shouted, "What am I going to do to live?" His mother would always restrain her crying and say, "Let's live together, live well, live well." But finally, his mother left first, and her last words before she fainted were still worried about: "My sick son and my teenage daughter..." It is autumn again. The chrysanthemums in Beihai are blooming in the autumn wind. He and his sister also know what their mother said before they finished: You two should live together.

It told me that you should not be proud of death. All kinds of good things in the world can never stop. Life is a lifetime, vegetation is an autumn, there is life, there is death, this is the eternal theme of life. Zhu Ziqing's "modesty" in "To the Dead Woman" has broken his heart for thousands of times. He said, "The first thing you care about is your children, and the second is my turn. The child and I share your world equally, and you will be like this in the future. If you still know after death, you will still be like this." This letter will never be sent by the author, nor will the wife receive it, But the deep lovesickness is really and sincerely scattered in the world. In Tao Fen's Last, Mr. Zheng Zhenduo remembers the story of Zou Tao Fen who fought until his death. At the end of Tao Fen, although he was extremely weak, he was extremely energetic. As the chief editor of Life Weekly, he used his sharp pen to advocate the just public opinion, attack the dark forces, and become a banner of the domestic media to fight against Japan and save the country The spirit of dedication and death is known as the "Taofen Spirit", which shines forever. In the face of disease, Lao She said that "life is a kind of rhythm. There must be light and shadow, left and right, sunny and rainy. Taste is contained in the twists and turns that change without violence." Ji Xianlin, 92 years old, wrote his association and understanding of life and death in the Dream of Death during his illness and hospitalization. In the 1960s, some people went away one after another, and death changed some fresh bodies into cold names, so that Mr. Yu Guangzhong said in Death, Don't Be Too Proud: "Death, what are you doing with these young old men?". No matter how great a genius you are, you can't escape death. This is everyone's destiny. In the face of life, we cannot control its length, but we can extend its depth. In the limited life, we can go out of our own way with a positive and optimistic attitude and a relaxed and happy pace.

It told me that the most unforgettable, a bowl of human fireworks. The nature changes all the year round, and flowers and plants wither and flourish all the year round. No one can save time, but they can choose to cherish the present, and feel the abundance of spring as carefully as Zhu Ziqing. Green grass, red flowers, light wind and flowing water are full of hope. Whether it is medlar, locust flower, crabapple flower, or plum blossom in Lin Huiyin's works, it seems that people have feelings, and suddenly feel that everything in the world has something lovely. What is also desirable is that Wang Zengqi mentioned duck eggs, lion's head and Dongpo meat of the Dragon Boat Festival, dipped in Zhenjiang vinegar, added some shredded ginger, and eaten a bite of Zhenjiang cuisine. Maybe the feeling of happiness is in this bowl of human fireworks. Apart from life and death, although they are all small things, it is from the surrounding fireworks that we can find freedom and calm.

The true happiness of life, in fact, is nothing but the warmth of thousands of lights and the enrichment of daily necessities. Living in this society, the roles in work, life and family are constantly superimposed, and the invisible pressure makes people breathless. But there are always people who turn this complicated and noisy life into poetry. This book makes me see the life described by famous writers, which is nothing more than sunrise and sunset, flowers, mountains and rivers. Their life is also so ordinary, but sober and beautiful, revealing the awe and attachment to life and life everywhere.

As the title of this book says, I have never been so attached to the world.

Why are you attached?

Because there are people you want to see in this world, and there are landscapes and things that are tied up with you.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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