Zhonggong Entertainment

Attitude: great craftsmen and their times (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-07-10 07:35

Selected Characters in Attitude - Zheng Chunhui

Reader: Chen Xu

Zheng Chunhui: I started working with my mother when I was 14, because my father came to Quanzhou to work as an auto repairman and was not at home. I am the eldest son. Since I was young, I have to help my mother with farm work. In Putian, male chauvinism is common, and men who do housework will be looked down upon. At that time, women did all the work of carrying water, so I was always laughed at by my friends when I went to carry water. At that time, water pipes were used for control, and irrigation was usually carried out at night. The land in our village is all sloping land, which is irrigated by the canal of Dongzhen Reservoir. It is public. There are patrol officers in the daytime. At night, our farmers will open the valve and use it secretly. At that time, the water flow was very small and slow, and it often had to wait all night to finish irrigation. I had to go to school during the day, but I was a child at that time, and I didn't know I was tired. Adults gathered under the tree to chat, and I listened to De with relish. Many years later, when I read Xin Qiji's poem "The moon leaves a branch to startle the magpie," the scene at that time suddenly came into my mind, and I thought it was beautiful when I recalled it. So many works are not based on fate, but are integrated into the past of life. But many of the experience did not feel at that time, and can slowly understand the taste of it when I grow up. I can do thousands of farm work. After I cut rice in one field, I can plow out the whole field. At that time, my mother mostly cut rice and I beat rice. It's very hard to cut and beat out the rice when there is a typhoon during the summer harvest. To beat rice is to put a ladder in a big barrel and fall on it. There is a piece of straw left on the head, which is toxic and itchy after touching; The rice leaves cut my face, sweating first-class, very painful; After beating, I would put the rice into a sack, and use the car to pull it back to the village. I climbed a long slope on the road. Every time I got home late, I was very tired and hard. It's hard to do farm work. My physical strength has really been trained, and my will has also been tempered in my work. I have encountered many difficulties in my life. It is precisely because of that experience of doing farm work that I always have a sense of resilience.

Yes, he carved the experience and experience of life, beauty and pain, poetry and blow into the wood one by one. It was his work and his life; There is his past and his dream.

His beloved hometown has changed in the process of urbanization, but in his works, the hometown is still the same, with flowing water and smoke curling up. That is the Peach Blossom Garden that cannot be returned, and it is also the Peach Blossom Garden forever.

When he talked about those pictures, he talked with pictures. It seemed that words alone were not enough to express them. Only by drawing on paper could he better convey the beauty and express his eagerness. In that scene, you can see his nostalgia and his pure heart.

Life is not always beautiful and picturesque. He has suffered a huge blow and experienced the test of life and death. In the darkest moment, he buried his head in the wood and absorbed the power from carving. The original carving knife can not only carve works, but also heal yourself. No matter how dark the alley is, it can always find an exit, as long as there is hope in the heart. This skill is not only the foundation for him to settle down, but also the most faithful company and powerful support on the way of life. It has become the most reliable foundation for him to find the meaning of life and realize the value of life. He integrated his love of classical poetry, his own life experience and his heart to do something for his hometown and country into wood carving, which also injected more wine into this craft. Isn't this a mutual achievement between craftsmen and craftsmen?

The masters coming out of the "Peach Blossom Garden" can feel the richness of art in wood and see the vastness of the world. His life is therefore rich.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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