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A cossetist, a wedding makeup artist... Are you in the part-time guidebook for young people during their holidays? (Read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-10-09 07:09

Original title: Pet Custodian, Wedding Makeup Artist... Are you in the part-time guidebook of young people's holiday?

For most people, the National Day holiday means relaxation and rest. However, there are also a group of young people who seize the opportunity of "making money" during the National Day holiday to show their talents and earn extra money for themselves.

How do young people make money during the National Day holiday? What interesting experiences do you have?

Pet Custodian: Feeding cats at home for 7 days will earn 5000 yuan

With more and more people raising cats, when the owner is not at home, "pet trustors" who help feed cats and shovel excrement have also come into people's sight. Such a part-time job can earn a good income.

The post-90s Beijing girl "Maoye Seven" (online name) is such a "pet trust teacher".

She introduced to China News Finance and Economics that since September last year, she has worked part-time as a pet care teacher through a third-party platform (small program), mainly providing basic services such as door-to-door feeding and water change, tableware cleaning, excrement removal and cat litter replacement, and playing with cats. In addition, additional services such as nail cutting, foot shaving, eye and ear cleaning, and medicine feeding can also be provided.

During the National Day holiday, many people with cats choose to travel, and at this time, pet teachers are also very popular.

She said that for her, the biggest peak season of the year is the National Day and the Spring Festival, followed by other festivals. During the National Day, she has at least 4 orders a day, and at most 8 houses a day. It is estimated that she can earn about 5000 yuan in seven days. During the Spring Festival, she visited at most 12 houses a day and earned more than 1000 yuan a day. According to her statistics, she earned about 18000 yuan in her first year as a pet teacher.

How does the trustor receive orders? She said that the orders she received were mostly found through other platforms, and then placed orders in small programs after communication. However, more people placed orders on their own during holidays.

She also summarized a set of workflow: every time she came to feed cats, she would bring her own masks, foot covers, disposable pv gloves, garbage bags and other tools, and record service videos. After the service is over, check the state of the whole house to see if the cat food, water bowl and litter basin are full, and whether the doors and windows are closed to ensure the safety of cats.

"The inspection process is slowly sorted out by oneself. The first problem may be due to inexperience, so try to avoid it. The same problem cannot occur again."

This part-time job also brought her a sense of achievement. She said that many owners said their cats liked her very much. Another owner said that the cat at home was afraid of strangers, but when she went to the cat, she came out to see her. "I will pick me up at the door when I go back, so I am very happy."

She said that some cat owners wanted to let her go after moving, but they could only refuse if it was too far away. In addition, she will also make a vlog of her experience of door-to-door cat feeding and post it on her social account.

Why does the cat like her very much? She thought, "First, I may own a cat and smell like a cat; second, I am more careful, and I move in and out of the house very quietly, so I won't make big movements to frighten the cat; second, I am more spiritual. I think if you really love cats, the cat will know."

What is the trouble in feeding cats? She said that the needs of each cat were different, and each family was also different. She had to write it down by herself. If she was unclear, she had to ask the owner. She needed to be more careful.

As for the safety of door-to-door cat feeding, she said that in fact, both parties have their own concerns. They will evaluate each other's identity in the process of communication, and report to their families when they come to the door.

Is it possible to switch to full-time in the future? She said, "I don't know, but I don't think it is possible."

Rent bridesmaids: feel the wedding and earn extra money

National Day and other holidays are the peak season for weddings. Many young people also choose to become a "maid of honor" or "best man of honor" during this period to earn extra money.

At present, "bridesmaids for rent" with hanging orders can be found on multiple platforms, and there are also apps on the market that specifically meet the needs. The cost of renting bridesmaids is generally several hundred yuan due to regional differences, and will be paid in the form of deposit+balance payment. Compared with renting bridesmaids, renting groomsmen is relatively rare.

The bridesmaids for rent will introduce themselves on the platform. "Ordinary appearance will not steal the bride's limelight", "good personality, everything depends on your needs" and "being the bride's flower protector" are common descriptions. They usually mark whether they can drink or not, and emphasize that "marriage is unacceptable".

Kelly (not her real name), who has just placed an order on the platform and wants to be a "bridesmaid rent" during the "National Day", said to Zhongxin Finance and Economics that as a bridesmaid rent, you can earn some extra money, expand your horizon, see the world and see different wedding people. "It's meaningful to watch different people get married. And you can know what you want in the future by watching different weddings."

Xiao Xie, who just worked as a bridesmaid renter during the National Day holiday, said that he had become a bridesmaid renter through a friend's introduction. He had already worked as a bridesmaid twice so far, mainly to make money to subsidize his family and treat it as a job.

She also had an interesting experience at the wedding. "A bride sang at the wedding. She was moved and shed tears. She thought it was very interesting."

Li Liang (not his real name) is a wedding worker. At present, he also works part-time as a matchmaker for some "bridesmaids and groomsmen". He remembered that about two years ago, one of his client's brides asked him tentatively whether there was a suitable "professional bridesmaid" to introduce him.

"The client got married later, and almost all his friends got married, so he couldn't find a suitable candidate. He also felt that it was better to have more 'professional' people to help him than to find a friend who was not close to him." Li Liang said that he also tried to find a girl who was familiar with the wedding process to help him. Fortunately, the whole process was very pleasant, and the bridesmaid was paid 200 yuan.

Now, more and more customers rent bridesmaids through Li Liang. "First of all, the brides think it is very cost-effective to rent bridesmaids. Including a series of expenses such as booking a room for the bridesmaids, accompanying gifts, and red envelopes for blocking the door, it will cost thousands of yuan; the price of renting bridesmaids is basically below 500 yuan, and generally the red envelopes for blocking the door will be returned."

"Secondly, because the 'professional bridesmaids' are very experienced, they are good at playing games and setting off the atmosphere. Now there are also' professional bridesmaids', and they don't need to worry about unhappy things such as getting married," said Li Liang.

But Li Liang also said that he has a principle that unless the bride takes the initiative, he will not first suggest that the bride rent a bridesmaid. "It would be the best if I had my friends to be bridesmaids. Now my clients are mainly late wedded bridesmaids or bridesmaids who can't come to the scene due to epidemic and other special circumstances."

Wedding dresser: get up at 4:00 and earn 1200 yuan per order

In the peak wedding season such as National Day, there are also business opportunities for young people with makeup skills.

Now, many wedding makeup artists can also be found on the platform. They usually show their "favorite works" to prove their strength, and give detailed quotations, such as morning makeup (leaving after makeup), half day makeup or all day makeup.

Making up is sometimes not easy. Xiao Cen, who works part-time as a wedding makeup artist during the National Day holiday, told Zhongxin Finance and Economics, "You can earn 1200 yuan for a single makeup job. It's just too hard. You have to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning."

In order to combine work and rest, Xiao Cen only took two orders, and all the rest were pushed away. Even so, the extra money earned is enough for Xiao Cen to be "happy for a month".

Have you ever worked part-time during the holidays? What is it? (Wu Jiaju, Zuo Yukun, Zhongxin Finance)

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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