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Don't be frivolous and impetuous, keep your body clean and your heart calm, and the summer will disappear (read aloud with voice)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-07-23 17:20

Not floating, not impetuous, the body is clean, the heart is calm, and the summer heat disappears

Author: Qingxi

Read aloud: Zhong Yiping

When I was young, I liked to turn the calendar. At first, I was attracted by the pictures on the calendar. When I grew up, I became interested in the arrangement of these dates and numbers. When you begin to read, you will notice that there are two red words in the box on some days. The words are easy to recognize, that is, if you don't know the exact meaning, you will naturally guess what these words mean and what's special about these days.

It seems that you can also find some clues through your own research, such as "the beginning of spring, summer, autumn and winter". "The beginning" must be the beginning of every season. The "vernal equinox" and "autumnal equinox" must be the middle moment that divides spring and autumn in two. The "severe heat" and "severe cold" may be the hottest and coldest time.

Now, it is another year of severe heat.

Dashu is the 12th solar term among the 24 solar terms and the last solar term in summer. Great heat, like light heat, reflects the degree of summer heat. The heat stroke is just around the middle of the dog days, which is the hottest period of the year.

Walking in the hot air, it seems that time and space are going to solidify, the sky is like burning, the earth is full of heat waves, and the world is like a big steamer, as Han Yu said: "It's like sitting in a deep steamer and being steamed". In this summer, it is more necessary to have a quiet heart, not bored, not arrogant and not discouraged.

As the saying goes: a calm mind naturally cools. Only a quiet mind can find a cool and comfortable place in this warm summer.

How can I stop getting tired of summer and stay in a hospital.

There is nothing in front of me, and there is a breeze under the window.

The heat dissipates from the mind, and the cool becomes the room space.

At this time, it is more difficult to get along with others.

——Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi, Selling Summer

The sultry summer inevitably makes people upset. The ancients have said for a long time that choosing a pool for cooling is not the first way to get rid of heat and annoyance. For summer resort, external objects are only auxiliary, while the heart is fundamental. If the mind is quiet, everything will be peaceful, and you will not be annoyed by the heat or suffer from the heat. You will always be relaxed and happy.

Calm down and remember the summer when cicadas were singing on the banyan trees beside the pond; When my mind calms down, I will think of the swing beside the playground, only the summer when the butterfly stops on it... Summer left us the most colorful marks of time and the source of life full of power.

Once, we did not have air conditioners and mobile phones, and we were not so afraid of the summer. A piece of watermelon and a bottle of soda can make us extremely satisfied. Once, we believed that "the article is the landscape of the desk". As long as there is a clump of green in front of the window, a cup of tea or a book in your hand, you can also enter the ancient flavor and seclusion, forgetting the summer.

Look at the stars in the sky, and the vegetation on the ground - real things are often quiet and powerful. Another example is that although summer is bitter, once the hottest season is over, autumn will come.

Summer is over and autumn is coming.

Three autumn days are approaching in the summer heat, and Lin Zhongjiu is moving in the summer.

When the laurel wheel opens at midnight, the fireflies shine in the sky.

Melons and fruits invite scholars, and wild cattles grow ink pools.

The silk thread is rolled up, and the classics and history are waiting for the wind to blow.

——Tang · Yuan Zhen, The Midsummer of June

The beginning of autumn comes after the great heat, just as the saying goes: things turn against each other when they reach the extreme. After the extreme heat comes the cool autumn.

The intense heat in front of us will eventually turn into the coolness of tomorrow, just like the plants in the world.

There are flowers in spring and moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. If there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world.

No matter when, there is something that makes us excited. What we should do is to put down the burden in our hearts, cherish the beauty in front of us, and always have expectations and yearnings.

Yearning, what a beautiful word, full of all the beautiful expectations and blessings in the world.

In this hot summer, there is a longing in my heart. Look at the green layers and the mottled light and shadow between flowers and leaves; Listen to the breeze blowing through your face, listen to the cicadas chirping in summer and the rain knocking at the window; And the amazing lotus fragrance of the pool.

The ups and downs of life, it is because of the warmth met, all the days will be covered with flowers. In the noisy past, we always want to slow down, feel life and see through the scenery. Maybe I'm used to the enthusiasm of summer, or I should be calm and cool. In the cycle of seasons, there will always be extreme heat. In fact, as long as you are not frivolous and impetuous, you will naturally feel cool in the bottom of your heart.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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