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How to choose edible oil? Remember the three tips! (Read aloud)

Source: China Economic Network
2022-06-17 14:01

Original title: How to choose edible oil? Remember the three tips!

Edible vegetable oil is an indispensable part of people's daily diet. At present, there are many kinds and brands of edible oil on the market, with large differences in quality and price. Consumers are often difficult to judge whether to choose or not because of lack of relevant knowledge. How to choose, eat and store edible vegetable oil? Recently, the Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangxi Province issued a consumption tip, pointing out that consumers should learn to read the label when buying edible vegetable oil, and should reasonably preserve and eat it scientifically after purchase, and should not continue to eat expired edible vegetable oil.

There are many kinds of edible vegetable oils

It is understood that edible vegetable oil is edible oil made from edible vegetable oil or vegetable crude oil. Common oils include soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil, sesame oil, edible vegetable blended oil, etc. Among them, edible vegetable blended oil is edible oil prepared by mixing two or more edible vegetable oils.

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the National Food Safety Standard General Principles for the Labelling of Prepackaged Food (GB 7718-2011) and the National Food Safety Standard Vegetable Oil (GB 2716-2018), the label of prepackaged edible vegetable oil shall include the food name, ingredient list, net content and specification, name, address and contact information of the manufacturer and/or distributor, production date and shelf life Storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code, etc. If the quality grade is specified in the product implementation standard, the quality grade shall also be marked. The product name of edible vegetable blended oil prepared with two or more edible vegetable oils shall be marked as "edible vegetable blended oil", and the proportion of various edible vegetable oils shall be indicated on the label.

In the face of a wide range of edible oils, how should consumers choose? The Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangxi Province reminded consumers that when purchasing pre packaged edible vegetable oil, they should try to buy it in regular supermarkets. Read the label carefully before purchase, especially pay attention to the ingredient list. There should be only one raw material in the ingredient list of pure peanut oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, olive oil and other vegetable oils; There are many kinds of raw materials in the ingredient list of edible vegetable blended oil. Pay attention to the arrangement of raw materials and the proportion of various oils.

At the same time, select products whose production date is close to the purchase time and within the warranty period. When edible vegetable oil exists in liquid form, it should be clear and transparent. For family consumption, edible vegetable oil with appropriate package size should be selected according to the number of people.

As the quality and safety of edible vegetable oil in bulk are difficult to guarantee, consumers are not recommended to buy it.

Edible vegetable oil Scientific edible control Daily intake

Long term excessive intake of edible food oil will lead to overweight or obesity, induce high cholesterol, increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and endanger human health.

According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), the daily intake of cooking oil per person should not exceed 25-30g. For domestic consumption, it is recommended to use an oil control pot to control the dosage. At the same time, because the fatty acid composition of different edible oils is very different, it is suggested that families should pay attention to changing varieties when purchasing edible oils.

Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau pointed out that too high temperature of cooking oil will lead to changes in the chemical structure of the oil itself, affect human digestion and absorption, and will also damage fat soluble vitamins A, D and E in the oil, resulting in lower nutritional value, which should be avoided as far as possible.

It is recommended to use steaming, boiling, stewing or blanching cooking methods to minimize frying. If it is really necessary to fry at high temperature, it is better to choose blended oil with high rapeseed oil content. Olive oil, algal oil, flaxseed oil and other edible vegetable oils are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and beneficial trace concomitants. These edible vegetable oils are not suitable for high temperature cooking, and are best used for cold dishes.

Edible vegetable oil should be properly preserved. Do not eat if it smells bad

How to store the edible vegetable oil bought back? Jiangxi Market Supervision Bureau suggested that edible vegetable oil should be sealed, protected from light, low temperature and water, and kept away from oxygen, light, high temperature, metal ions, water and other factors that promote oil oxidation.

Because the edible oil stored for a long time is very easy to be oxidized and deteriorated in the air, eating the oxidized and deteriorated edible oil may cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, and long-term consumption will bring great harm to health. The Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangxi Province reminded consumers that they must not continue to eat the expired edible oil.

If you buy a large barrel of oil, pour the oil into a clean brown glass oil control pot according to the weekly consumption, seal the large barrel of oil with tape, and store it in a cool and dark place. After opening, it is better to eat it within 3 months. After using the oil control pot, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, which is dark and low temperature. Edible vegetable oil with high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids is best eaten in a short time. In life, some people often pour new oil into the oil pot before the oil is used up. This is wrong, which will accelerate the oxidation of new oil. The correct way is to completely use up the old oil in the pot, clean and dry it before pouring in the new oil.

How to identify whether edible oil is expired? Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau pointed out that, first, it is judged according to the production date and shelf life on the packaging label, and second, it is judged according to whether it can smell the flavor of kara. When edible vegetable oil can smell the halal flavor, its peroxide value may have exceeded the national standard. According to relevant regulations, the peroxide value limit of edible vegetable oil is 0.25g/100g. Data shows that long-term consumption of foods with excessive peroxide value is very harmful to human health, because peroxides can damage the cell membrane structure, leading to gastric cancer, liver cancer, arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hair loss and weight loss.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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